Sunday, May 16, 2010

MY COMMITMENTS TO MY PEOPLE...!!! Moderator to Massey

Or Lifting Tamil Tide Everywhere.

After 50 years of contemplation I have come to the conclusion that I as a Tamil l have failed in my commitments to my people and our people. I have procrastinated my duty to my community. I kept blaming others for having not done much to protect and promote my community. I finally realized I have not done anything to my community. Therefore I decided to present this disclosure to my people, though not complete it is good beginning. I hope some one will improve it and make it better. I was very much disturbed and perturbed by the amount of division and dissidence among my people. So I came to a conclusion that I must make a list of commitments for each of us to our community. It is not a complete list.

A Tamil is a world-class citizen; therefore we must live up to world class standard. There is no question or qualm about it. We were the inventors of the catamaran and the constant flame lamp and so many other inventions. Do you know that a Tamil invented the free energy phenomena? So with all these cleverness and astuteness why are we divided? Competition is different from division. So we must not be confused. There is no need to go into details but you know the biggest challenge the Tamils face is not aggression from barbarians, but lack of unity among us. So I have decided to give every Tamil a gift, gift that will improve our overall standing in the world community, prosperity and survivability. Every beehive needs a queen; we need leader who can hold us together. The leader must be able to bring all diverse ideas and cross-fertilize them into to each faction for combined improvement. Today leaders are written proclamations, these are alive; we commit and obey to a written set of proclamations called articles of association or a constitution. Here are a few proclamations. Though we are educated we are less experienced. Education combined with experience makes us confident people.


Unity is strength and strength in unity. Every Tamil must be united under any condition. It is the survival technique. The power of unity has to be comprehended exponentially and geometrically. One plus one is not two, much more than two! So by staying united we generate enormous amount of power. Power to sustain our great culture and heritage. There is a great need for us to get united and stay united. Please don’t complain but explain to your fellow Tamil the concept unity and strength. If ten pigeons through unison were able to escape the snare by the hunter why cannot we escape our grip of our selfishness and greed?

We are not all born with either equal talent or do we have identical talents, but we are all talented. Our culture insists on perfection, which is attainable and admirable. Once I was asked which is the greatest, harnessing the power of the universe or harnessing the universe is power. You know the answer. We educate our children, we culture them well and we make them to work diligently. I have worked with other cultures but there is one character that is outstanding in a Tamil. Loyalty. This is something that is hard for other cultures to understand. But we have it! Aren’t you proud that you are a Tamil? With this greatness why are we divided? Is it for money or for fame? Whatever you earn is for your children, it does not matter good or bad. So assist another Tamil in need. We are divided because we lack trust. Loyalty is great but trust is the greatest!

Always stand up for your cause. You will wither away if you have no identity. Every one has culture with which they identify themselves. You are a Tamil, one of the oldest cultures in the universe. Money can be earned, education can learned but once you lose your culture you are a sheep without a Shepard. Culture is not something you can learn, it is thousand of years of refinement, and it has to come from generation after generation of refinement. A culture is a time-tested system. You cannot just throw it away.

As you aware there is a planned genocide going on in our motherland. We have been taken from our mother’s womb and thrown into disarray, why? Because we are not united. Do not blame anyone, blame yourself, and blame us. We are the cause of our own destruction, dispersal and Diaspora. Always remember the worst animal is a human animal because it has the ability to think.

Ask yourself what have I done to my community lately? Did you help an innocent caught in the snare? Snare of ignorance. Have you collected any donation for the hospital or for some social event? Did you ever donate a dime for the needy? Have you ever helped a desperate person on the street? Have you helped a child to cross the street? Failing all what did you do today to make your life better? When you make it better for yourself you make is better for all. Sounds philosophical, no sir, it has the universal law kicks in and bring forth goodness for all. So at least do something good for yourself.

When two of us whole-heartedly work together there is scintillation. We are not all knowing and all capable. We are all created equally but differently hence I teach you what I know, you teach me what you know and we have produced four from two. You had one I gave you one so I got two, then I gave you one and you had one so you got two. Two plus two is four. That is not rocket science! So always help each other and learn from each other. So if you take the whole community of people you have created a chain reaction of exponential out burst of creativity.

What is trust? It is the ability to rely on some one. Trust is like a bank account, we call it moral trust account. There are two sides to it. A debit and A credit. Trustworthiness and trustfulness. How trustworthy are you? How trustful are you? If you are trustworthy then you are trustful. You are trustworthy to the extent you are trustful; one cannot exist without the other. Trust is responsibility, a huge task. One has to behave responsibly is their affairs. Always remember never to betray ones trust in you, it is a sacred faith. Great nations and great cultures and civilizations have great capacity for Trust. Tamils must learn to trust each other and others. Trust is double entry moral account when you give you don’t lose you gain something else and the book is balanced at every act and deed.

I understand fear and the source of fear. Fear is the most important state of mind we have to overcome. Fear of life, fear of loss, fear of disgrace etc. Fear is a residual effect of the jungle path where we saw how animals sought food; Food to survive.
In modern democracies fear has been taken away and replaced by security hence a child can live fear free from an abusive parent or women from an abusive husband or a worker can perform his duty without the fear of an abusive boss, or a citizen can live fear free from an abusive government. How do you dispel fear? Just ask the question what is the worst that could happen to me? If it is loss of life or loss of health, yes I have to be prudent. Loss of money, religion, language, culture, I can always get it back. Be ready accept a little bruise to your ego. Loss of ego, that is good for you.

In my dealings with my people I will always resolve any conflicts through dialogue and discussion. I will never undermine my own people for it will undermine the whole community and me. Conflicts are merely difference in opinion or relative understanding about the issue hence through genuine dialogue we can arrive at absolute solutions. There is no room for emotions. Conflicts are a source to growth not a source to violence. Violence has no place in modern society.

I will contribute my knowledge and what ever assets I can to the development of my people. It is the combined total knowledge of the individuals past and present that brought society to this level of attainment. Therefore the contribution of each member of the community is important. It can be selfish or selfless but as long as it is not destructive. Individual greed may not be good in the initial stages but beyond a certain level all greed benefits the society. A man in his selfish greed may create, discover or invent something that will permeate the nooks and corners of even the remotest part of the society.

Trust is a sacred gift given to all of us. Therefore when some one trusts you with a property, person or position maintain it as a sacred possession. Ever since man left the cave and wandered the jungle he was apprehensive of the challenges he faced. Trust was a very rare commodity! But through ages and years of struggle and experience we have developed certain amount of trust but not absolute trust. There are in these world societies with low level of trust and societies with high levels of trust. The trust level has a bearing on relative peace and harmony and hence on economic prosperity.

A vocation is a must for every one. As a Tamil you are not going to be an indolent, laggard or lazy. You will always seek a vocation even it is a volunteer service. We set an example and pathways for our generations to come by we take our own pathway to prosperity. I know that the cause of social strife is due to lack and poverty. There are many countries and societies caught up in this struggle to identify the cause of social disharmony. The kings with the sword and priest have fooled mankind with superstition for a long time. Man was conditioned to become racial, religiously fanatic and linguistically monotypic, thus forgetting the very purpose of life. The first requirement of life is food. How stupid we can get by killing ourselves for external nonessentials such as race, religion and language. Therefore do not stray from the first purpose of life is to put food on the table. If you don’t agree all you have to do is to go for one day without any food and your brain will shift from you head to the stomach. If you still don’t believe go on without food till you feel the need.
Go to work every day and all your problems will disappear.

I shall at all times communicate with every man, woman and child in my and any community with respect and equality. I understand the importance of open communication with my community and other communities. I will make every effort to protect those naïve and innocent people from being abused by the insecure and the inferior. Control and manipulation are the behaviour of the insecure, the ignorant and the inferior. It is my duty to inform the naïve and nasty that negative behaviour is the manifestations of insecurity and the best way to overcome insecurity is through open communication, transparency and thorough understanding.

Life is an education in progress, school education is different. It merely introduces you to knowledge and mostly to get job. Continuous improvement should be the standard. Ultimately how much you know is much more important than whom you know.
Besides knowledge, experience and hence wisdom is portable, it goes where you go and also increases as you give it out. More you give more you get, that is called cornucopia.

Longer you live better your family will do and hence your community. There is a saying that a man must see 5 generation. Great grandparent, Grandparent, Parent, Children and Grand children. Longer you live more experience you retain and more you future generation benefit. They say first 30 years you learn, next thirty years you experiment, next thirty years you live. So a man must live through at least 3 generation.

I will always remember how some selected community of people treated my community and me. We as a community were abused, chased, property looted or misappropriated and were made orphans, destitute and refugees in our own motherland. We were targeted and systematically discriminated and then finally forced to leave our motherland. Our homes, farms and factories were destroyed to deny us any economic well-being. Our heritages, libraries and schools were bombed and destroyed. We were called terrorists when we were merely trying to protect our lives and livelihood. I will ensure that this will never happen to us and we also will not deny any other community of their rights to life.

Develop your faculties, develop your capabilities, and develop all that is needed to make you a fully formed person. Continuously engage in life giving activity, do not learn to cheat, steal or misappropriate. You are as capable as another so why steal or cheat, why not share what you have for what you don’t have? It is a bargain. The modern society depends on it and function on it we call it trade.

Peace and Harmony are two powerful resources. There is enormous power when one is peaceful and harmonious. Our mind, brain and body function very profitably when
they are at peace with each other. I will always seek a peaceful means to end an impasse. I understand that in my own self-interest I yield to my enemy for if I waste my energy on countering the enemy our creativity is compromised. There are no enemies in this universe.

Though I am willing to negotiate, share and live in harmony, I shall not negotiate out of fear or as a vindicated, but at times I may do so as an act of prudence. I will maintain enough deterrence Intellectually, Economically, and Socially to negotiate to a mutually beneficial outcome. All conflicts and confrontations are the result of fear, envy, anger, self-righteousness, inferiority, superiority and false beliefs. Therefore I will continuously continue to enter into dialogue and discussion with my apparent and perceived enemy, I do not have enemies.

What is social capital? Social capital is the resource generated as a result of unity. How many times you would have experienced that one plus one is more than two. Numbers were invented keep score not to quantify human association. Larger the number higher the social capital score will be. Our prosperity depends on a social capital trust. We can achieve tremendous results as a result of communion. Have you noticed when people are on a fully agreed endeavour there are outbursts of creative defying the established laws of mathematics and physics?

What is political capital? Simple when you raise an issue by yourself not much attention is given. It is discounted as a one-person selfish motive, but when a community of people raise and issue, it got power. This is again political capital trust. We have to identify our political needs and arrive at a unanimous decision, which will have tremendous implications positively. Every person must give in his or her personal selfish motives to a common body and create a body politic which will give out more rights and power than you give in. This again defies the known laws of mathematics. It functions exponentially.


Health is the ultimate wealth. If you don’t have good health you cannot participate in life. Take cars of it. The modern medicine has extended our life span beyond 100 years. So plan your life for 100 years or more.

We are all created equally but differently. So each of us have some inherent gift given to us by the universe, our parents. So then each of us are capable of marvelous creations, inventions and discoveries, which we can give to the society at large. What have you done to your people? How have you enriched your people? Your foreparents left an excellent world behind for you to live a peaceful and harmonious life, and then what are you hoping to leave behind. Be conscious about your world and be courteous to it.

Today small group of people can be subdued easily either by force or by majority. So, as a Tamil you must develop your intellect, your economic capability your moral standards. Like Luxmi and Saraswathy you must develop and improve your wealth and wisdom. One without other will never survive. When you are intellectually and financially strong you can protect your community.

I wrote once more you know, more you know how little you know. How true is it? Once the head of the patents and copy right office told that what ever has to be invented has been invented. I think that was in the 19th century. Since then we have invented Electricity, Computers, memory chips, cure for many diseases, airplane etc. Therefore there is no end to knowledge and creations, inventions and discoveries. There are many more things to invent and discover, one of them is free energy, somewhere in the universe there is free energy and all we have to do is to discover it. A political means whereby all people are equal is some thing we have to create.
As we pass on the mantle it is the people coming after us have to carry forward the world. Do not destroy it! I have known a handful of educated destroyers of society don’t be one of them.

There is new thinking that lets enjoy life for we will be dead tomorrow. You may be dead but the world will go on. But then where did you get the means to enjoy your life? Your parents left it for you, so what are you going to leave for your children. If you don’t, you will be reborn to pay for your sins. How does that principle sound to you? We call it Karma or the law of retribution. So get down to nation building and social, economic and political infrastructure building, you may get lucky to enjoy your own efforts in this life!
Please remember that when you were created you were given a set of basic principles to live by. You are born good but transformed by nature and surroundings. There is saying called let you conscience be your own judge. You know what is good, what is bad and what is ugly. No one has to tell you, you know it from inside. A simple example is littering, you know it is bad then why do you do it? Another simple example is if you steal it is wrong, then why do you do it? You know the problem is the one who lost is lost for once but you have to carry the burden of guilt forever!
Never ever knowingly do any bad to any one, if by innocence you have done it, say I made a mistake ask for forgiveness and proceed with your life. I do not carry it in your mind forever!
These are some of the commitments I live by, if you know some that I have omitted please add them on and pass it on to others. We have an urgent need to do this to preserve our identity otherwise we will become extinct instead of distinguished. We will just be another remark in history! Therefore I urgently and earnestly request every Tamil to come together and build our culture and heritage worldwide. We must not do this at the expense any other culture but must extend our greatness to other cultures.

We all know Late Sir Albert Einstein. Jewish people are today living in the safety one man invented for them. For 2500 years Jewish people wandered all over the world for being honest hard working people. It always happens to the people who stick out as outstanding. As they say the nail that hammered is the one that stands out. When the Indian military came to Jaffna they could not believe that we had stone built homes, own water supply and excellent schools. We did not steal from others; we built them with our own effort and ingenuity. We invented the sea going catamaran some ten thousand years ago. We will be the one who will invent the phenomenon of free energy. Encourage your children to be inventive and one day some day
the next Einstein may come.

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