Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tamil people must bite their tongue, work hard, stay united and never ever give up.!!!

| Moderator to Massey


Here is another example of a Tamil who accepted a low form of living. We in North America quit our jobs over disagreements when some one compromises his or her conscience.
we cannot blame her for she is one of those people who will compromise her modesty and community for survival. She is compromising her children's future for her own selfish purpose. There are very many Tamils doing this. But can injustice continue like this. No.

The problems with Tamils are very behave like second class subjects. That has to change. To feed oneself is not that difficult but to some people, selling out the community is an easy way to make living. Call me anything, but she will take to the oldest profession if the needs arise along with her mother and daughter.

let these people be an encouragement than discouragement. Don't worry she will be first one jump ship when it hits the rock.

This woman was nowhere close to the battle front, but she talks as though she was at the battle, but folks every second another Imalda is born some where. We have learn to live with them.
We need more Tamils participate in our campaign, please do what you think is the right thing do in your own way.

But the Tamil people must bite their tongue, work hard, stay united and never ever give up.

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