Moderator to Massey
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Tamil National Alliance and Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam“Two pillars of Tamil Renaissance”
To destroy a community take away their ability to think,To take away their thinking take away their educationTo take away their education take way their scripts and literatureTo take away their literature take away their schools and libraries. Tamil National Alliance and Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam are the only two ELECTED bodies of the Tamil people. One for the Global Tamils and one for the Tamils in our motherland. Any one who disputes these two legally elected bodies must prove to the Tamil people that they have the mandate from the Tamil people to make any claims. We are saddened by the position of a few people who do not want to believe in democracy, I do not think Tamils as community of people will ever approve autocratic or monocratic form of governance; Tamils are basically like the Europeans and Americans who love their freedom. Creativity, some people call it capitalism, is not possible without freedom. The Tamil National Alliance in our motherland must undergo transformation and a paradigm shift from one of entirely political in nature waiting for the Singhalese to grant your freedom that will never happen to one of self managed institution. The thinking process and mindset must change and instead of looking at Colombo for your solution take advice from the wealth of experience of Diaspora for economic and financial freedom of Tamils. Remember the time tested maxim, “Man who control men will only controls men, but the one who controls the money controls them all” Think about it for moment, it is the money as a common denominator and store of value and power is the ultimate determinant of the rise and fall of the empires and the fate and fortune of people. Tamils shall rise again. No person, no family, no community and no government are viable without money and people are the source of that money. In the case of Tamils in our motherland Diaspora can provide the TNA with funds for investment but not for consumption. As it is TNA and every one else is demanding consumption money, when I suggested to set up an institution to lend money, which is to be repaid, they all went silent. I think we are encouraging the creation of another Palestine in Asia. I want Tamils to be careful how their money is invested or wasted. All Diaspora money must be channel through a financial institution that can lend the money to be repaid. The success of rich countries is due to their money management and their stringent control over loans. We have to educate our politicians. We will educate both TGTE and TNA. The success of Canada is not its natural wealth but its tough financial regulations. The TNA must for all funds received, issue TNA designated bonds as the security for the money. People who borrow money from TNA must repay. Diaspora do not spoil the people, do not spoil the politicians. That is why I said we need a paradigm shift and a new paradigm for Tamils. TNA must become responsible and response-able institution An advice from America to TNA, there is no political freedom without financial freedom. As we say “If the vault is full of gold even the saint will get the idea” Therefore lets us all get together and become economically, technologically and financially like Japan, Korea or Germany. And you will see how the hatred turns into happiness and how fast some people change their alliance.Man thinks with his stomach not with his brain. As Napoleon said, “An army travel on its stomach”. War, pestilence and famine are bad but the worst is famine. We also kindly request all other organisation to recognize TNA and TGTE as our supreme will of the people, the elected members are different, they can be removed. Do not confuse TGTE with its elected members. One suggestion is other organisations can form the constructive opposition. And a small advice to those who create turbulence in unlawful manner, please beware that you are under the laws of the resident nations and we request that you obey the law of the resident nation and United Nations. If you are living in Canada, please refer to the Criminal code 430, which deal extensively with Mischief. I am sure the same law with some variation is applicable in very many countries. As I always say, Work Hard, Stay together and Never ever give up”
And as you all know me, I am Subramaniam Masilamany, a world class Tamil
powered by convictions, commitments and conscience.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
SEE WHAT HAPPENED...... ½ A Second before Tsunami....!!!

½ A Second before Tsunami....
The last picture! There are people who believe in God, There are others who don't believe,
but we must understand that we are very very small when nature hits...
This picture was taken on the banks of Sumatra Island (the height of waves was of approx. 32 m = 105 ft).
It was found saved in a digital camera, 1 ½ years after the disaster.
We cannot know for sure, but very likely the one who took the picture is not alive any more. (It was just a matter of seconds)
Today we can see the last image he/ she saw before ending life on Earth!
Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam !!! A new leadership paradigm for Tamils.!!!
| Moderator to Massey
Watch us on youtube
Transnational Government of Tamil EelamA new leadership paradigm for Tamils
worldwide Democracy is a dumb slave without its master, people are the masters. The finger is still the most powerful instrument of change, what pulled the trigger yesterday, pushes the key board today. -Subramaniam Masilamany Good News, we have got an institution and its constitution in place that can be made to lead us to freedom. After May 2009, Tamils were at a loss to as what future holds for them, young boys sat weeping, some people died in shock. But now we have something that we can work on, hope to, harp around and hang on to, so let us all unite and make it work. We were like a ship with out captain, sheep without a shepherd and chicken without the mother. But now we got something to look up onto. In 1897 Jewish people made a decision to regain their mother land but it was not until 1948 they realised their dream, that was 60 years and 2 generations later. But they got it. We will get it too. No Tamil should have any doubt about it. First we have to win this in our hearts and minds. We have to believe in it first. When we believe in it we will see. Nobody is going to do it for us, we have to do it. This constitution of TGTE may not be the most perfect in the world, it may be the least perfect, but we have something to improve upon. It is the duty of all of us, for and against, to make it better by making their contribution. Do you want to be nay sayer or you want to be a contributor? It is totally a democratic process, leaders can be impeached and or removed, so dispel your fears about it. We are the guardians. Some people try associate the TGTE with the members, but the TGTE has is own body and sprit, it is a corporate body with its own mind. That is what a constitution is. We must learn to differentiate people from body politic. Body politic is sacred but the people can be sacked and replaced. If the elected members become incompatible with the body politic they have to be replaced and they will be replaced. So let us accept TGTE as our supreme will and any one or any organization, with the consent of the majority of people, can replace the members. Accepted? We don’t have to protect and preserve the elected members, but the body politic has to be preserved. I think lots of Tamil think both TGTE and the elected members are one and the same, yes when the mind of the members and the mind of body politic are the same then there is convergence, confluence, congregation and congruence. The congregation thus become an invincible body. I hope I am clear. Let me explain some thing mystical and magical, I am a creator of wealth, so here is my proof of strength in harmony and unity. When we all unite, first positive out come is we do not lose, actually we all gain, how much do we gain? We all gain more than what we would have gained alone on our own. I may gain little more than you, but you have gained more than what you would have gained alone on your own. We all gain, some may gain more than others but that is irrelevant you have gained more than what you would have gained on your own. When we all gain it adds to composite gain index, when the composite index rises we all reap more. Self preservation is the core of the matter. There is another paradigm shift that has to happen, instead of looking what TGTE can do for you, ask what you can do for the TGTE? Okay, let us make it easy on you, what are you ready to contribute other than money? Can you write to them and say here is good idea or here is a project that will improve our socioeconomic condition of Tamils etc. Don't be an instigator of disharmony, but be a helper, be a sincere friend. TGTE is for you, TGTE is not for the elected members. We got it, let us improve on it, that is our motto. It is a democratic institution which you can change. So if you think you can do a better job, get in and show us that you can do it. Dear Tamils we have achieved something very significant. 20 countries and 3 billion people got together and severed our head off, but the chicken kept running around, it did not die. That was then in May 2009. This is now, the chicken got it head back within 15 months that shows we are world class people who never ever give up. Some people are skeptical but to them here is my challenge come forward and offer a better solution to our dilemma. We Tamils must become magnanimous and support every effort that is made to free our people. Lets accept TGTE as the government and others like GTF in the UK and Tamil Congress in Canada and others to form the opposition to this government. If you think you have a better solution offer to the people. They can run an election and prove to us that they got more votes than TGTE then we will support you. Be a true opposition but don't be an obstruction. As it is, others have to organize their own election and show us that they got something better. Come out, go on the media, there are several ways and expose and express yourself. So any one who is not with TGTE can prove to us that you have a better solution, if you don't have one please come join us. I had my reservation about TGTE, but they have done a marvellous job in presenting this constitution, it is a good beginning, now every Tamil must participate and make sure it is improved, the officers stay within their mandate and there is no abuse of the system. Democracy works when all participate. Therefore all Tamils must participate and make it work for us. This is a vehicle to our freedom, but PARTICPATION AND ACTION are required. Let us be an example to other democracies where people vote and wait, that is not democracy, that is handing over your rights and responsibility to some one else. Let us all participate and show that democracy works better when people participate. TGTE is not autocratic, closed institution, it is open to all and is a responsible body, you can by vote remove any one and replace with a much capable person. It is as democratic as it can get, but it is just the beginning and we have to make it better, effective, efficient and responsible, respondable and responsable. I showed this constitution to several of my non Tamil friends and they were amazed to see that we were able to formulate a constitution. Rest assured that we will get the whole world to come around and cheer us. IT IS A WIN FOR ALL TAMILS ALL OVER THE WORLD. Let us all unite under one constitution and one institution. TGTE must be an open forum where every Tamil must have a say. They can take is as an advice or as a warning. This is the century of the key board with Intel inside. And as I say always, Stay together, Work Hard and Never Ever give up. Thank you for listening
My name is Subramaniam Masilamany,
a world-class Tamil powered by Convictions, Commitments and Conscience.
Watch us on youtube
Transnational Government of Tamil EelamA new leadership paradigm for Tamils
worldwide Democracy is a dumb slave without its master, people are the masters. The finger is still the most powerful instrument of change, what pulled the trigger yesterday, pushes the key board today. -Subramaniam Masilamany Good News, we have got an institution and its constitution in place that can be made to lead us to freedom. After May 2009, Tamils were at a loss to as what future holds for them, young boys sat weeping, some people died in shock. But now we have something that we can work on, hope to, harp around and hang on to, so let us all unite and make it work. We were like a ship with out captain, sheep without a shepherd and chicken without the mother. But now we got something to look up onto. In 1897 Jewish people made a decision to regain their mother land but it was not until 1948 they realised their dream, that was 60 years and 2 generations later. But they got it. We will get it too. No Tamil should have any doubt about it. First we have to win this in our hearts and minds. We have to believe in it first. When we believe in it we will see. Nobody is going to do it for us, we have to do it. This constitution of TGTE may not be the most perfect in the world, it may be the least perfect, but we have something to improve upon. It is the duty of all of us, for and against, to make it better by making their contribution. Do you want to be nay sayer or you want to be a contributor? It is totally a democratic process, leaders can be impeached and or removed, so dispel your fears about it. We are the guardians. Some people try associate the TGTE with the members, but the TGTE has is own body and sprit, it is a corporate body with its own mind. That is what a constitution is. We must learn to differentiate people from body politic. Body politic is sacred but the people can be sacked and replaced. If the elected members become incompatible with the body politic they have to be replaced and they will be replaced. So let us accept TGTE as our supreme will and any one or any organization, with the consent of the majority of people, can replace the members. Accepted? We don’t have to protect and preserve the elected members, but the body politic has to be preserved. I think lots of Tamil think both TGTE and the elected members are one and the same, yes when the mind of the members and the mind of body politic are the same then there is convergence, confluence, congregation and congruence. The congregation thus become an invincible body. I hope I am clear. Let me explain some thing mystical and magical, I am a creator of wealth, so here is my proof of strength in harmony and unity. When we all unite, first positive out come is we do not lose, actually we all gain, how much do we gain? We all gain more than what we would have gained alone on our own. I may gain little more than you, but you have gained more than what you would have gained alone on your own. We all gain, some may gain more than others but that is irrelevant you have gained more than what you would have gained on your own. When we all gain it adds to composite gain index, when the composite index rises we all reap more. Self preservation is the core of the matter. There is another paradigm shift that has to happen, instead of looking what TGTE can do for you, ask what you can do for the TGTE? Okay, let us make it easy on you, what are you ready to contribute other than money? Can you write to them and say here is good idea or here is a project that will improve our socioeconomic condition of Tamils etc. Don't be an instigator of disharmony, but be a helper, be a sincere friend. TGTE is for you, TGTE is not for the elected members. We got it, let us improve on it, that is our motto. It is a democratic institution which you can change. So if you think you can do a better job, get in and show us that you can do it. Dear Tamils we have achieved something very significant. 20 countries and 3 billion people got together and severed our head off, but the chicken kept running around, it did not die. That was then in May 2009. This is now, the chicken got it head back within 15 months that shows we are world class people who never ever give up. Some people are skeptical but to them here is my challenge come forward and offer a better solution to our dilemma. We Tamils must become magnanimous and support every effort that is made to free our people. Lets accept TGTE as the government and others like GTF in the UK and Tamil Congress in Canada and others to form the opposition to this government. If you think you have a better solution offer to the people. They can run an election and prove to us that they got more votes than TGTE then we will support you. Be a true opposition but don't be an obstruction. As it is, others have to organize their own election and show us that they got something better. Come out, go on the media, there are several ways and expose and express yourself. So any one who is not with TGTE can prove to us that you have a better solution, if you don't have one please come join us. I had my reservation about TGTE, but they have done a marvellous job in presenting this constitution, it is a good beginning, now every Tamil must participate and make sure it is improved, the officers stay within their mandate and there is no abuse of the system. Democracy works when all participate. Therefore all Tamils must participate and make it work for us. This is a vehicle to our freedom, but PARTICPATION AND ACTION are required. Let us be an example to other democracies where people vote and wait, that is not democracy, that is handing over your rights and responsibility to some one else. Let us all participate and show that democracy works better when people participate. TGTE is not autocratic, closed institution, it is open to all and is a responsible body, you can by vote remove any one and replace with a much capable person. It is as democratic as it can get, but it is just the beginning and we have to make it better, effective, efficient and responsible, respondable and responsable. I showed this constitution to several of my non Tamil friends and they were amazed to see that we were able to formulate a constitution. Rest assured that we will get the whole world to come around and cheer us. IT IS A WIN FOR ALL TAMILS ALL OVER THE WORLD. Let us all unite under one constitution and one institution. TGTE must be an open forum where every Tamil must have a say. They can take is as an advice or as a warning. This is the century of the key board with Intel inside. And as I say always, Stay together, Work Hard and Never Ever give up. Thank you for listening
My name is Subramaniam Masilamany,
a world-class Tamil powered by Convictions, Commitments and Conscience.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
" Moderator"
to Massey Subra14:50
“A vibrant community of people full of fountain of wisdom and cascade of generosity”
What we need urgently is an ELDER GROUP consisting of eminent, educated, experienced and enabled people over the age of 50 with at least 50 years of experience in life to form a Tamil elders group to bring about harmony among our younger generation.
OUR MISSION: A resource centre for younger generation who need assistance in resolving community needs.
WE ARE: A group of elderly people ripened with the passage of time, who have acquired at least 50 years of social and community involvement and have the capacity to incise into hard to unfathomed issues which may cause contradiction, anxiety and perceived inequality among the younger generation.
1. Maintaining peace, harmony, unity, tranquility in and among the Tamil community
2. Leadership and empowerment training to the needy
3. Liaise with resident governments and law makers to bring about awareness.
4. Educating the legal, social and community needs in resident nations.
5. A dispute resolving mechanism
We solemnly agree to work for the health of the Tamil community and when there is a conflict between personal wants and community needs, that community need shall prevail and be the guiding light.
If you cannot be with the community the next best you can is not to be against it.
America leads the way and every one complains (about America)
to Massey Subra
“A vibrant community of people full of fountain of wisdom and cascade of generosity”
What we need urgently is an ELDER GROUP consisting of eminent, educated, experienced and enabled people over the age of 50 with at least 50 years of experience in life to form a Tamil elders group to bring about harmony among our younger generation.
OUR MISSION: A resource centre for younger generation who need assistance in resolving community needs.
WE ARE: A group of elderly people ripened with the passage of time, who have acquired at least 50 years of social and community involvement and have the capacity to incise into hard to unfathomed issues which may cause contradiction, anxiety and perceived inequality among the younger generation.
1. Maintaining peace, harmony, unity, tranquility in and among the Tamil community
2. Leadership and empowerment training to the needy
3. Liaise with resident governments and law makers to bring about awareness.
4. Educating the legal, social and community needs in resident nations.
5. A dispute resolving mechanism
We solemnly agree to work for the health of the Tamil community and when there is a conflict between personal wants and community needs, that community need shall prevail and be the guiding light.
If you cannot be with the community the next best you can is not to be against it.
America leads the way and every one complains (about America)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Obstacles YES, Obstructions NEVER, Discussions YES, Disputes NEVER- Subramaniam Masilamany
We have achieved something very significant. 20 countries and 3 billion people got together and severed our head off, but the chicken kept running around, it did not die. That was then in May 2009. This is now, the chicken got it head back within 15 months that shows to the world that we are a race of people who never ever give up. Few Tamils are like the trouble makes in a stadium booing at the players but the players do not pay any attention. We must also remember not to pay attention, but must invite them to participate and make their contribution. These people are Tamils, not any one else. Here is my challenge to those who are against the Tamils to come forward and offer a better solution to our dilemma. We Tamils must become magnanimous and support every effort that is made to free our people. Lets accept TGTE as the government and others like GTF in the UK and Tamil Congress in Canada and others to form the opposition to this government. If you think you have a better solution offer to the people. They can run an election and prove to us that they got more votes than TGTE then we will support you. Be a true opposition but don't be an obstruction. As it is, others have to organize their own election and show us that they got something better. BUT stop bickering and exposing your weakness, only a weak man talks from his easy chair. Come out, go on the media, there are several ways and expose and express yourself, instead of hatching conspiracies and coups. So any one who is not with TGTE can prove to us that you have a better solution, if you don't have one please come join us, but don't spoil the pride and esteem of your future generation. I asked a friend of mine to help me to purchase a computer to be sent to Sri Lanka for Our Tamil people, My Tamil people, His Tamil people and I told him it will go through TNA, our only elected legal representatives he said I don't want to do it. Because he is against TNA, then who else do we have in Sri Lanka? This man is an anti-Tamil. Why? he does not know his identity, he has no identity, he is neither Singhalese nor Canadian. He is a non descript. He is drifting like ship without a captain, a sail, a rudder and a compass. We also must learn to accept the views of people.He is good, she is okay, so and so is bad are discriminatory attitudes. Look at it this way, if you think you are right, then I cannot be wrong, because in my own way I am right and you are wrong. Accepted? So stop judging people and see the goodness in them. We are all very intelligent and capable in our own way. Instead of looking for smartness look for what way someone is smart. I am smart in helping people, you are smart in math, she is smart is raising a family. When we look at people from their smartness we accept every one. This is something Tamils have to learn. I asked a Tamil surgeon, are you are smart surgeon? no my mother wanted me to be surgeon. It is like asking acorn to be a red wood instead of an oak.( Acorn is the seed of an Oak) I had my reservation about TGTE, but they have done a marvelous job, it is a good beginning, now every Tamil must participate and make sure it is improved, the officers stay within their mandate and there is no abuse of the system. Democracy works when all participate. I showed this constitution to several of my non Tamil friends and they were amazed to see that we were able to formulate a constitution. IT IS A WIN FOR ALL TAMILS ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Obstacles YES, Obstructions NEVER, Discussions YES, Disputes NEVER- Subramaniam Masilamany
We have achieved something very significant. 20 countries and 3 billion people got together and severed our head off, but the chicken kept running around, it did not die. That was then in May 2009. This is now, the chicken got it head back within 15 months that shows to the world that we are a race of people who never ever give up. Few Tamils are like the trouble makes in a stadium booing at the players but the players do not pay any attention. We must also remember not to pay attention, but must invite them to participate and make their contribution. These people are Tamils, not any one else. Here is my challenge to those who are against the Tamils to come forward and offer a better solution to our dilemma. We Tamils must become magnanimous and support every effort that is made to free our people. Lets accept TGTE as the government and others like GTF in the UK and Tamil Congress in Canada and others to form the opposition to this government. If you think you have a better solution offer to the people. They can run an election and prove to us that they got more votes than TGTE then we will support you. Be a true opposition but don't be an obstruction. As it is, others have to organize their own election and show us that they got something better. BUT stop bickering and exposing your weakness, only a weak man talks from his easy chair. Come out, go on the media, there are several ways and expose and express yourself, instead of hatching conspiracies and coups. So any one who is not with TGTE can prove to us that you have a better solution, if you don't have one please come join us, but don't spoil the pride and esteem of your future generation. I asked a friend of mine to help me to purchase a computer to be sent to Sri Lanka for Our Tamil people, My Tamil people, His Tamil people and I told him it will go through TNA, our only elected legal representatives he said I don't want to do it. Because he is against TNA, then who else do we have in Sri Lanka? This man is an anti-Tamil. Why? he does not know his identity, he has no identity, he is neither Singhalese nor Canadian. He is a non descript. He is drifting like ship without a captain, a sail, a rudder and a compass. We also must learn to accept the views of people.He is good, she is okay, so and so is bad are discriminatory attitudes. Look at it this way, if you think you are right, then I cannot be wrong, because in my own way I am right and you are wrong. Accepted? So stop judging people and see the goodness in them. We are all very intelligent and capable in our own way. Instead of looking for smartness look for what way someone is smart. I am smart in helping people, you are smart in math, she is smart is raising a family. When we look at people from their smartness we accept every one. This is something Tamils have to learn. I asked a Tamil surgeon, are you are smart surgeon? no my mother wanted me to be surgeon. It is like asking acorn to be a red wood instead of an oak.( Acorn is the seed of an Oak) I had my reservation about TGTE, but they have done a marvelous job, it is a good beginning, now every Tamil must participate and make sure it is improved, the officers stay within their mandate and there is no abuse of the system. Democracy works when all participate. I showed this constitution to several of my non Tamil friends and they were amazed to see that we were able to formulate a constitution. IT IS A WIN FOR ALL TAMILS ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Mystery of Ravana: Tipped off by a rtd master who wrote to Prof.Somadeva about a grave he had passed everyday on his way to Haldumulla Tamil school.!

A Step back in time
Benign spirits, tombs and Ravana's offspring:
Aditha Dissanayake
Never would the 'if' factor have loomed so large in your life if you had been here last Sunday. If the dogs had not barked, if the camera had not captured the tiny spots of light, if the house had been built elsewhere... this article would not be written today.
Ravanage Chandrasena with his family
But this is not so. The dogs start to bark at about twelve midnight. Try stepping outside to find out the reason behind their agitation and you find...nothing. You see nothing, you hear nothing, until someone clicks his camera. To everyone's surprise the digital images reveal tiny spots of light. When a mobile phone, in video mode, captures the lights they are seen to be moving. What are they? Not fireflies.
Not the product of overtaxed imaginations. (How else could they have been captured onto a camera?). Mysterious and scary, none of the students of archeology who had watched the lights, could find an explanation for what they had seen in the night.
Unless the lights are spirits, long lost souls from more than 3000 years ago come to tell you their tales, hoping to help you learn more about the kind of lives they had lived here, an uncountable number of moons ago.
Here, means Haldummulla. The leader of the group, Prof. Raj Somadeva, of the Post Graduate Institute of Archaeology is in the midst of excavating a 3000 year old cemetery. Tipped off by a retired school master who had written to Prof. Somadeva about a grave he had passed everyday on his way to school, when he taught at the Haldumulla Tamil Vidyalaya, the archeologist and his team have taken residence in a house which they suspect is built on part of the cemetery.
Their mission; to find out more about the men and women who had lived (and died) in the hill country, more than three thousand years ago. This cemetery too, as the school master had correctly deducted is similar to the ancient canoe burial site at Ranchamadama, in Embilitiya.
Minus, of course, the moving lights at night. But, if the lights were benign spirits come to help unravel the past, no one present could try to figure what they were saying.
So, back to the digging; to the pickaxes, brushes, zip-log bags, to unearth a coffin, a clay canoe and small rounded pebbles, which the villagers who stop at the site every now and then to exchange the time of day, identifies as Ravana guli.
Listening to Prof Somadeva's explanation about the furnace which he suspects is where the Ravan guli might have been smelted to make the iron tools and his attempts to trace the path of these settlers, from Horton Plains, down to Kirindi Oya basin, it is easy to recall how barley pollen dating back to thousands of years had been discovered on Horton Plains, and of the capstone burial site at Ibbankatuwa, all of which point to greatly civilized settlements long before the advent of Prince Vijaya.
Three clay canoe burials
Ravana guli
What are Ravana guli? One mystery leads to another. (Did Sherlock Holmes say that? If he hadn't he ought to have). While trying to unravel the mystery behind the Ravana guli another mystery begins to form. The mystery of Ravana. Did he really exist? Did he live in Lanka? Are his descendants still among us?
Ask anyone you meet on Ravana Kanda and they will say yes to all three questions. And, if they are in a talkative mood, (which is often the case) they will tell you about a village called Ravanagama. When your curiosity keeps nagging you, telling you to go in search of this strange village, you will undoubtedly decide to leap before thinking. And nothing would match the sense of euphoria you feel, even as you realize all too well curiosity could kill not only cats but amateur hikers too, as you try desperately to stay on your feet on slippery rocks, trek through a thick jungle, cross two rivers, when you finally come across this village named after Ravana.
In Ravanagama everyone is bound to direct you to the abode of Heen Balage Sirisena who will show you an ola leaf which has, inscribed on it descriptions about treating certain ailments, medicine he claims dates back to the days of the great physician, Ravana. As luck would have it the rain which would have followed you all the way to the village is sure to intensify making you a prisoner in Sirisena's house for more than an hour.
For Sirisena, though, the rain allows some breathing space as it keeps him away from the threshing floor where he is threshing the year's harvest of rice.
Making use of this respite he will tell you about the cave where Sita had been hidden, about the aggala that had been given to her, about Rassa gala, and Ravulagala as mentioned in ancient folklore, woven around Ravana.
Descendants of Ravana
Finally to the descendants of Ravana. The family with the name Ravanage. 'I remember how my grandfather carried the Ravana Flag at the Bolthumbe Saman Devalaya' Ravanage Chandrasena recalls in support of his lineage dating back to the demon king, Ravana. As if on cue, the rain which has ceased momentarily begins again. Is this Ravana's doing? Is he trying to prevent further prying?
So, back to base; the house rented by the archeologists for the duration of their stay in Haldumulla. Back to the tools unearthed during the course of the excavations, tools made not of granite, but of flint and quartz.
Back to an imaginary journey to the days before Vijaya's visit, when every hill top in the country from Nuwara Eliya, to Badulla to Ratnapura had probably been prosperous farmsteads.
How many times a year would this soil have been turned? How many would have lived and died here leaving their flesh and bones to turn back into the soil on which you step on, now?
Ask the moving lights outside? Yes, If only you had not walked so far in search of Ravanagama. If only you had been more skillful in navigating the hills and rocks and rivers that lay on your path, if only your legs didn't hurt so much...Ah, the 'if' factor again. If these are not so, then there will be another story to write tomorrow, the story of the spirit orbs. But these are so.
An exhausted body unused to vigorous treks through thick jungles is yearning for sleep. Good night, lights, spirits, orbs.
Produced by Lake House Copyright © 2010 The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd.
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