Thursday, December 2, 2010

The present and future situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka..!!!

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The present and future situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka

At present our brothers and sisters have accepted a lower level of expectation in Sri Lanka. Their expectation is to be alive and be able to feed at least once a day. That is the prudent thing to do in the face of an unreasonable enemy. The human mind is designed to shift its mode of existence depending on the environment and to tell you the truth humans are very strong and resilient, it can change its mode of existence. At present the Tamils may have to accept it as the way it is given to them. But today’s event in London England has given us hope that the beginning of the end is near. But the situation who will succeed Rajapaksa and his clans. As it is The Singhalese establishment is collapsing but it is still not openly visible.

The Situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka looks bright to me because of the new borderless world where money, information, goods flow freely. The governments are becoming powerless in the face of corporate power where the control of the money has shifted from governments to corporations.
Based on this fact we are building the biggest team ever, every Tamil will be a winner


Let me tell you the truth, when we took the first few steps we never thought we will go this far. Indeed we are surprised at the speed at which freedom is unfolding. Therefore my fellow Tamils never ever hesitates to take the first few steps and you will be surprised what can be achieved.

To survive as Tamils we have to unite, here listen to what Jean Jacques Rousseau have to say,
“I assume that people reach a point where the obstacles to their preservation and progress may prove greater than the strength they have. Beyond this point the existing state of conditions cannot endure, exist and assist them and the human race will perish if it does not change its mode of existence”
-Jean Jacques Rousseau
Therefore Tamil have to find a new way of existence.
Subramanian Masilamany
Therefore we have set out to build a new model for Tamils worldwide. We are building a team of 65-70 million Tamil people living all over the world. This will be the biggest team ever. I am going to systematically guide you as to how to get your freedom, self esteem and hence peace. South Asian primitiveness will take eons to change, but we, Tamils have the greatest opportunity to do so.

Let me give you the good news first, forget about the traditional form of governments. E.g. the concept of a country with in the physical borders and the creation of a sovereign nation, with its government etc. The government had the jurisdiction over the citizens. That is the old model. In 1982 it was proposed that the existing form of governments are not suitable for the modern world where money, goods and information flow freely. If it is so why not people? or do people have to migrate? This is the new world. Internet has made governments obsolete. So if our Tamil folks wonder who is going to lead the freedom struggle, the answer is simple we are all going to be leaders like the Boston marathon where every body runs but no leaders. Modern democracy wants every one to be their own leader. One leader or even few leaders do not have the capacity, experience and wisdom to lead people. The world is too informed and intelligent. Thanks to European and American constitutions.

Therefore every Tamil is now endowed with greater responsibility than before, you have to take care of yourself and also do a few chores for the community. Forget about looking up to any leader to lead you, you are your own master and you design your own destiny and you work for it. No hand outs no hand ins. You are a free man to live your own life. No sheep all shepherds. It is estimated by the year 2020, they will be 10 million self employed entrepreneurs in Canada. What does it tell you?

Sri Lanka, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan and few other outdated governments are trying to maintain the status quo. They will only fail. Let me give you a simple example. I order some product in Singapore, I pay with my credit card in Canada, my credit card company is USA, The money goes to pay pal and they hold the money till I receive the goods. And on receipt of the goods the supplier gets paid. Again I am in Canada, a man works for me in Sri Lanka and get paid in Sri Lanka, where is the government in this transaction? Governments are obsolete. Did you get it my dear Tamil friend? Aren’t you proud to be Tamil? We are the trail blazers of the human race. Our idea of “Nations without borders” is exactly what is happening in the western world.

The borders are dissolving; governments are bankrupt, but not nations or people. The world will function normally if the government is taken out of the equation. So if the governments are less important and are becoming irrelevant and redundant why try to form a government, why looking for borders and restrict your fortune.

That is the background on which we Tamils are going to be the pioneers. We invented the Katamarm. We pioneered international trade and travel. “Borderless Nation” is our contribution to the new world. So here we are set out to build a formidable team of people, whom we have not even met before. But the mission is so pure, so divine, so selfless it is succeeding. To bring all Tamils living all over the world under one ideology we have to come up with a plan. What we Tamils are going to do is to first define our mission, we call it the mission statement.

“Our mission is to encourage Tamils all over the world to come together as one community and form a synergistic social, economical and political entity that will empower every Tamil to become a great citizen with self esteem, self respect and self sufficiency”

Now that the mission is defined , we have to have a set of things to do to achieve this mission.

1.All Tamil must accept each and every Tamil as members of the same alliance, all Tamils must be united whatever difference exists in our thoughts.

2.All Tamils must educate their children at least for 15 years of education, which means a basic university degree.

3.All families must respect the sanctity of marriage and the institution of family. No one owns the family but we all belong to the family. A sense of belonging not ownership. Every family must have at least 3 children.

4.All families must have Trans generational families, that is the elders and the younger form the part of family.

5.Must own home and land free and clear of any obligations.

6.Must promote building educational institutions, Researh and development.

7.Building our own professional services such a health, legal, accounting etc.

8.Promoting business building, Business is the source of wealth and employment.

9.Earning, Saving and Investment to ensure total control over our own destiny

10.Promoting good relationship with resident government and other communities

The Sri Lankan Government acts like an insecure and inferiority complexed child, it is bent on destroying the Tamil will, freedom and peace. It looks as though some Tamils due to their naivety, innocence and sometimes due to ignorance try to destroy their own community. We don’t believe if there is any truth in it.

The insecure Sri Lankan government is doing false propaganda to divide the Tamils. But Tamil people must not succumb to such narcissistic attempts. Tamil people remain calm and resolute in the face of an unreasonable enemy.

Every Tamil was affected in some way by the misguided and foolish acts of the Singhalese people. They have been imbued into racism and fanaticism. It is our duty to help them to wean out of the self destructive behaviour.

Every Tamil has some sorrow and horror story to tell. Therefore we cannot be divided. The goal is one, the resolve must be one, but the pathways may differ. All Roads lead to one destination. Therefore there cannot be any division. The division is only bogey man created by the Sri Lankan government.

60 years of untold and untellable atrocities have united us inseparably, but of there are nay Tamils have any hope that the Singhalese will give your freedom and peace you will sadly mistaken, but if you are looking bread crumbs you are right, and if there are nay Tamil who feel alienated by our own Tamils try to understand that they may have their own faulty reasons but they will come back

Tamil culture is Trans-generational so there is no point compromising our long term stability to short term illusions. Tamil must think as a family, as group and as community. As we always say, a fish will only discover water last but it is too late. Community is the pond in which we live. It very important that we tolerate small shortcomings to look at the larger picture.

As I always say, all Tamils must unite, work hard, stay together and never ever give up. Tamils in Sri Lanka have to be optimistic and have faith in Diaspora, we are working relentlessly not only to free you but to unite 90 million Tamils worldwide to give us much better political and economical clout in world capitals.. Please rest assured that we will free you. God bless you all, we are with you.

Thank you for listening
My name is subramaniam Masilamany
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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