Sunday, December 26, 2010
Why have the Ceylon Tamils made a significant impact in Singapore?
Fra: Moderator (
Sendt: 25. desember 2010 15:47:07
Til: Massey Subra (
Why have the Ceylon Tamils made a significant impact in Singapore?
By Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Finance Minister, Singapore
(Remarks by Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister for Finance at the Singapore Ceylon Tamils Association 100 Years Celebration)
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Evening
It is my privilege to be here this evening. This is a momentous occasion as we celebrate 100 years of the Singapore Ceylon Tamils Association (SCTA). The Association has not only contributed to the Ceylon Tamil community, but in doing so has helped the community add visibly to Singapore’s progress as a multi-cultural society.
The SCTA has itself grown. It was formed by 300 Ceylon Tamils in 1909 and growing to over 1400 members today.
Tharman Shanmugaratnam
Making the Most of Multiracialism
Ceylon Tamils in Singapore are a small community. They are a minority within a minority.
They have done well. In the judiciary and legal profession, in academic medicine and clinical practice, and in engineering, their contributions have been greatly disproportionate to the size of the community. There were also, historically, well represented in the senior levels of the civil service on both sides of the Causeway. My JY Pillay who is here this evening was the foremost example during his time in the Service in Singapore.
Equally important was their contribution to education, starting in colonial Malaya where they served as Principals and teachers in schools up and down the country, and continuing in the independence years. Educationists like Mr Sigamoney, former Principal of RI in Singapore.
Sporting life also saw many Ceylon Tamils excelling. It seemed to run in the blood. We are proud to have names like Dr A Vijiaratnam, who played for state in hockey, cricket, football and rugby.
Why have the Ceylon Tamils made a significant impact in Singapore? I think the most important reason has to do with the way they took advantage of an environment in post-independence Singapore that rewarded talent and effort regardless of race, and the way they have interacted freely with the other, larger communities. They have never had a minority complex, never looked inward to seek refuge.
The habit of interacting freely with other communities in fact went back many years. The Ceylon Sports Club for example, going back to the 1920s, was an example of how Ceylonese of all races got along as friends and fellow sportsmen. Tamils, Sinhalese and Burghers. They also opened their doors to non-Ceylonese, including many from the majority community in Singapore, and expats from all over the place. The Club knew of only one form of discrimination. It was not a comfortable place to be if you didn’t appreciate cricket, or at least feign an appreciation in the sport.
So the Ceylon Tamils were well-disposed to the multiracialism that defined Singapore after independence. It is probably no accident that S Rajaratnam, coming from this minority community, drafted the Singapore Pledge – with its call for a single, united people regardless of race, language or religion.
This habit of integrating with other races and thinking of us as Singaporean first is the only way each of our communities can progress in Singapore. We can afford neither majority nor minority complexes.
The multiracial instinct that has always been there in the Ceylon Tamil community must continue to define its role in the years to come Singapore – in work and business, in culture and in every field of civil life. It is how we will keep contributing to Singapore.
It is difficult to say if our future generations will see themselves as a distinct community of Ceylon Tamils. Not a few are marrying with the broader Indian community, or with other races. That too is part and parcel of their growing up in Singapore. But we must hope they will take pride in their Ceylonese roots, and never forget the way their forefathers made their way to this part of the world, and made the most of opportunities despite being in a minority. We must hope they understand deep in their hearts that their only future is to champion multiracialism.
Role of SCTA
The SCTA has provided a platform to nurture the cultural heritage among the Ceylon Tamils while actively promoting its integration in our multi-cultural society. It helps keep alive the Tamil language and culture through the present SCTA Sunday School and its various activities.
SCTA must continue to innovate and stay relevant to a changing Singapore. For instance, by helping to integrate new immigrants into Singapore society.
To the younger members, I urge you to heed Dr. Theyvendran’s earlier call to serve and continue the good work of the Association as well as to preserve the rich heritage of the Ceylon Tamils.
On this note, I wish SCTA many more fruitful years to come and a happy 100th year
Best Wishes.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Who will kill the geese that lays golden eggs. Time for a sea change and mind change...!!!
Fra: Moderator (
Sendt: 22. desember 2010 13:31:57
Til: Massey Subra (
I am a relentless worker. I still remember two events ZEROS AND BAD FAILURES. In my junior kindergarten, that vivid picture is still in my mind. Miss Nagamany, who was my teacher giving me double zero for arithmatics. Then I remember in my 5th grade , it was always bad failure. There is nothing below "Zero" and nothing below "Bad Failure". So I knew what I have to do to make a living. HARD WORK. So I got into this habit, since my age of 30, I have put in about 190,000 hours.That is the hand I was dealt with.
So I come to work early, and leave very late. I am the first one in, last one out. "FILO", First In Last Out.I am doing okay now. In the same building as I am, XEROX, the document company has one of its office. At XEROX works another Sri Lankan from the South specifically from Kurunagala. Probably he noticed that I come before him and leave after him. Now I see him coming early and started leaving late. I always reverse park my car so that I am one step always ahead, I fill my car with gasoline on my home not on my way to work, always little bit ahead of others. He also started reverse park his car.What does it tell you? When you work and really work hard others notice it and want to follow you. That is called role modeling.
What does this tell you.
1) If it was in Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa would have told this man go destroy my business, because he is a Tamil. Don't give me cock and bull stories.
2) Being in Canada, the government is pro-business, so it does not matter who owns the business, as long as employment is created and taxes are paid.
3) Mahinda Rajapaksa and his monkeys will think I am funding terrorism, so I should be shut down.
Singhalese people are like any other people, 23 pair of chromosomes, but they have among them misguided people who have got into power. But this man who works for XEROX is guided by the great American philosophy give people freedom and they will make wonders. They also believe in that prosperity is the only path way to sustain freedom.
Now where is Sri Lanka? Who is Mahinda Rajapaksa? We all know who he is, but he is innocent until proven guilty, that day is not too far.His brother Gothabaya has accepted on International media that he will kill. So he has "pleaded guilty".
What can the Tamils do? We have show the Singhalese people, who have been misguided for 2553 years to become modern people. Like the Singhalese man who works for XEROX, who has taken a clue from me that he too can be prosperous. This is what we have to do in Sri Lanka, show the people of the South that People from the North are a great asset not a nuisance or liability. And my advice to TNA and others ask the Singhalese "What can we do for you than What can you do for us". John F.Kennedy.
Mr.Sampnathan please ask Mahinda Rajapaksa, "Brother, What can I do for you". That is the day the Singhalese people will turn around and say, how comes a guy who scored ZEROS AND BAD FAILURES have to teach us what we all have not been taught.
A smaller reminder to my Tamil compatriots, in South Asia the most prosperous community are Tamils, so it is our responsibility to make sure some of that prosperity seep into rest of the region making them all prosperous.India is poor, Pakistan is poorer, Bangla Desh is poorest. Singhalese are doing little better because of the Tamil presence.
Who will kill the geese that lays golden eggs. Time for a sea change and mind change
Sendt: 22. desember 2010 13:31:57
Til: Massey Subra (
I am a relentless worker. I still remember two events ZEROS AND BAD FAILURES. In my junior kindergarten, that vivid picture is still in my mind. Miss Nagamany, who was my teacher giving me double zero for arithmatics. Then I remember in my 5th grade , it was always bad failure. There is nothing below "Zero" and nothing below "Bad Failure". So I knew what I have to do to make a living. HARD WORK. So I got into this habit, since my age of 30, I have put in about 190,000 hours.That is the hand I was dealt with.
So I come to work early, and leave very late. I am the first one in, last one out. "FILO", First In Last Out.I am doing okay now. In the same building as I am, XEROX, the document company has one of its office. At XEROX works another Sri Lankan from the South specifically from Kurunagala. Probably he noticed that I come before him and leave after him. Now I see him coming early and started leaving late. I always reverse park my car so that I am one step always ahead, I fill my car with gasoline on my home not on my way to work, always little bit ahead of others. He also started reverse park his car.What does it tell you? When you work and really work hard others notice it and want to follow you. That is called role modeling.
What does this tell you.
1) If it was in Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa would have told this man go destroy my business, because he is a Tamil. Don't give me cock and bull stories.
2) Being in Canada, the government is pro-business, so it does not matter who owns the business, as long as employment is created and taxes are paid.
3) Mahinda Rajapaksa and his monkeys will think I am funding terrorism, so I should be shut down.
Singhalese people are like any other people, 23 pair of chromosomes, but they have among them misguided people who have got into power. But this man who works for XEROX is guided by the great American philosophy give people freedom and they will make wonders. They also believe in that prosperity is the only path way to sustain freedom.
Now where is Sri Lanka? Who is Mahinda Rajapaksa? We all know who he is, but he is innocent until proven guilty, that day is not too far.His brother Gothabaya has accepted on International media that he will kill. So he has "pleaded guilty".
What can the Tamils do? We have show the Singhalese people, who have been misguided for 2553 years to become modern people. Like the Singhalese man who works for XEROX, who has taken a clue from me that he too can be prosperous. This is what we have to do in Sri Lanka, show the people of the South that People from the North are a great asset not a nuisance or liability. And my advice to TNA and others ask the Singhalese "What can we do for you than What can you do for us". John F.Kennedy.
Mr.Sampnathan please ask Mahinda Rajapaksa, "Brother, What can I do for you". That is the day the Singhalese people will turn around and say, how comes a guy who scored ZEROS AND BAD FAILURES have to teach us what we all have not been taught.
A smaller reminder to my Tamil compatriots, in South Asia the most prosperous community are Tamils, so it is our responsibility to make sure some of that prosperity seep into rest of the region making them all prosperous.India is poor, Pakistan is poorer, Bangla Desh is poorest. Singhalese are doing little better because of the Tamil presence.
Who will kill the geese that lays golden eggs. Time for a sea change and mind change
Saturday, December 4, 2010
TAMIL FUTURE:Some points which have happen in the course of the last 2 years which is important to keep in Mind.!!!
Athithan Jayapalan
Some points which have happen in the course of the last 2 years which is important to keep in Mind.
The Sri Lankan State and its Armed Forces Bans INGO’s and ’free media’ from the North and East during the conduct of the Last war. Massive civilian Casulties, uptil 20 000 dead, and international red cross state that 75- 80 % of the ca 350 000 IDP’s who went into Government established ’wel fare camps’ from the war ravaged area, had bullet and sharpnel wounds.
Freedom of movement is dictated by Army and GOSL, INGO activity is severely restricted and media have no acces into these Internment camps – only army orchestrated visit tours were the means foreign officials and media could enter these camps.
GOSL state noe civilians was killed, Rajapakse says ’our soldiers went into the battlefield with the geneva conventions in the one hand and weapon in the other’. Gotabaye Rajapakse later claims the minimal estimation done by U.N of 7000 civilians killed during the last months, were in fact LTTE cadres. These are some elements which indicates the stance taken and maintained by the GOSL.
Vast Money used to prepared to orchestrate the Victory day event on may 2009 but had to do preparations again due to heavy rainfail in June 19, To facilitate the IFFA and in towards end of 2009 the building of new vesaks, expansion of military HQ and The raising of the monuments to commemmorate the fallen Sri Lankan Army Soldiers.
100 000 army personell are alotted land to ploy in the north, while most of the realesed IDP’s (if 80 000 is remaining now, then 240 000 have been released) from the welfare camps have not been assisted in identifying their native places and in assiting in rebuilding livlihood opportunities and restablishing educational facilities. Those released and remaining in Vanni have only been given plastic sheet, some nominal amount of money(only accesable to those who reached Unicief Booth in time), and tin roof to accomidate their steps to ’rebuild their lifes’.
The Sri Lankan State attempts to paint a picture of ’Problems gone and reconcilation underway’ wihtout even given regoniction to the Tamil communities in Vanni and Mannar who have lost loved ones. The first step towards reconcilation is to give acknowdlgement and recogonition to those civilians who have been killed during the last phase of war. Then the second Step be give justice by taking juridicial prosecution of those Responsible for those deaths( As the complete top level leadership of LTTE is Dead, the atrocities alledgedly comitted by the Ltte can not be Proscecuted). Only then can true platform for reconciliation be estbalished and genuine effort be taken.
State sponsored colonialization of Vanni, Eastern and Northern areas of Sri Lanka(Traditional tamil areas/Homeland) by Sri Lankan Army, Southern Farmers and businesses(who are predominantly Sinhalese) is beeing prioritized, over the rebuilding of tamil IDP’s livlihood and educational oppurtunities(this is also explain the lack of fund and capital to the latter). This has to be stopped and the rebuilding the lifes of locals of the war ravaged North and East should be priotized and adequate step to be taken to ensure this.
Closed areas as Vanni and Mullethivu should be opened for international monitoring and investigation of war crimes. The rhetoric of anti imperialism and neo colonolism employed by GOSL is an fasade, as Nimal Rajapakse head IMF and Asian development Bank funded projects in north and Special economic zones are estabished in Mannar,East,Jaffna and vanni to encourage and actively attract foreign investors and Trans national Companies.
Foreign mediation and monotoring of the ’Rehabilitation’ of 11 000 ex-ltte cadres must be allowed, to ensure that extra judicial persecution and execution won’t happen in the time ahead, and if occured prior to such an transparency securing effort, investigations should be undertaken again monitored by internation and third party elements(as The Judicial system is heavily institutionally biased against anti state elements and esp the tamil population, as shown by the impunity perpetuated since 1951 against those involved in the numerous anti tamil riots, the violent crackdown of JVP insurrections in 1971,1988-1989, and in the counter insurgency war in North and East since 1979).
What can be Done in the the times to comes by the tamil Diasphora:
To engage in rebuilding efforts in North and east of sri Lanka, by focusing on Village level rebuilding of livlihood, education and overall economy.
To contribute with whatever means possible and reasonable(without The GOSL directing or allocating the money or human capital beeing used to such efforts, monitoring by GOSL affiliated NGOS and insitutions raise also question as persecution of those involved in such acitivities is not secured against and the culture of impunity in the Sri Lankan state) in rebuilding efforts of the war raved communities of North and East.
To pursue the task of bringing about an internationally led investigation of War crimes and persecution of those held and proved responsible.
Some points which have happen in the course of the last 2 years which is important to keep in Mind.
The Sri Lankan State and its Armed Forces Bans INGO’s and ’free media’ from the North and East during the conduct of the Last war. Massive civilian Casulties, uptil 20 000 dead, and international red cross state that 75- 80 % of the ca 350 000 IDP’s who went into Government established ’wel fare camps’ from the war ravaged area, had bullet and sharpnel wounds.
Freedom of movement is dictated by Army and GOSL, INGO activity is severely restricted and media have no acces into these Internment camps – only army orchestrated visit tours were the means foreign officials and media could enter these camps.
GOSL state noe civilians was killed, Rajapakse says ’our soldiers went into the battlefield with the geneva conventions in the one hand and weapon in the other’. Gotabaye Rajapakse later claims the minimal estimation done by U.N of 7000 civilians killed during the last months, were in fact LTTE cadres. These are some elements which indicates the stance taken and maintained by the GOSL.
Vast Money used to prepared to orchestrate the Victory day event on may 2009 but had to do preparations again due to heavy rainfail in June 19, To facilitate the IFFA and in towards end of 2009 the building of new vesaks, expansion of military HQ and The raising of the monuments to commemmorate the fallen Sri Lankan Army Soldiers.
100 000 army personell are alotted land to ploy in the north, while most of the realesed IDP’s (if 80 000 is remaining now, then 240 000 have been released) from the welfare camps have not been assisted in identifying their native places and in assiting in rebuilding livlihood opportunities and restablishing educational facilities. Those released and remaining in Vanni have only been given plastic sheet, some nominal amount of money(only accesable to those who reached Unicief Booth in time), and tin roof to accomidate their steps to ’rebuild their lifes’.
The Sri Lankan State attempts to paint a picture of ’Problems gone and reconcilation underway’ wihtout even given regoniction to the Tamil communities in Vanni and Mannar who have lost loved ones. The first step towards reconcilation is to give acknowdlgement and recogonition to those civilians who have been killed during the last phase of war. Then the second Step be give justice by taking juridicial prosecution of those Responsible for those deaths( As the complete top level leadership of LTTE is Dead, the atrocities alledgedly comitted by the Ltte can not be Proscecuted). Only then can true platform for reconciliation be estbalished and genuine effort be taken.
State sponsored colonialization of Vanni, Eastern and Northern areas of Sri Lanka(Traditional tamil areas/Homeland) by Sri Lankan Army, Southern Farmers and businesses(who are predominantly Sinhalese) is beeing prioritized, over the rebuilding of tamil IDP’s livlihood and educational oppurtunities(this is also explain the lack of fund and capital to the latter). This has to be stopped and the rebuilding the lifes of locals of the war ravaged North and East should be priotized and adequate step to be taken to ensure this.
Closed areas as Vanni and Mullethivu should be opened for international monitoring and investigation of war crimes. The rhetoric of anti imperialism and neo colonolism employed by GOSL is an fasade, as Nimal Rajapakse head IMF and Asian development Bank funded projects in north and Special economic zones are estabished in Mannar,East,Jaffna and vanni to encourage and actively attract foreign investors and Trans national Companies.
Foreign mediation and monotoring of the ’Rehabilitation’ of 11 000 ex-ltte cadres must be allowed, to ensure that extra judicial persecution and execution won’t happen in the time ahead, and if occured prior to such an transparency securing effort, investigations should be undertaken again monitored by internation and third party elements(as The Judicial system is heavily institutionally biased against anti state elements and esp the tamil population, as shown by the impunity perpetuated since 1951 against those involved in the numerous anti tamil riots, the violent crackdown of JVP insurrections in 1971,1988-1989, and in the counter insurgency war in North and East since 1979).
What can be Done in the the times to comes by the tamil Diasphora:
To engage in rebuilding efforts in North and east of sri Lanka, by focusing on Village level rebuilding of livlihood, education and overall economy.
To contribute with whatever means possible and reasonable(without The GOSL directing or allocating the money or human capital beeing used to such efforts, monitoring by GOSL affiliated NGOS and insitutions raise also question as persecution of those involved in such acitivities is not secured against and the culture of impunity in the Sri Lankan state) in rebuilding efforts of the war raved communities of North and East.
To pursue the task of bringing about an internationally led investigation of War crimes and persecution of those held and proved responsible.
Friday, December 3, 2010
SL-TAMIL FUTURE: Our concerns under Short, Medium & Long term...!!!
Dear Shan,
Further to your request, I have given below our concerns under Short, Medium & Long term.
1. IDP/detainees(recent/long term)
2. Return/resettlement
3. Fundamental rights
4. Muslim IDPs
5. Missing/disappeared
6. Freedom of movement
7. High Security Zones-demilitarise
8. Transitional camps
9. Choice and representation re: return
10. Land grab
11. Violence/security/arms
12. Transparency
Rule of law/governance
2. 17th amendment for independent oversight of police, judiciary etc
3. Restoration of civilian administration
4. Livelihoods/reconstruction
5. Reconciliation
6. 13th Amendment/APRC
Administration of justice/policing
Land Rights
Culture of Impunity
New fundamental principles
Addressing aspirations
Living together (pluralism)
Identity maintenance and development
Equitable development
Acceptable political solution
We should avoid mixing our concerns; unfortunate people should come first.
Hope these will be of some use in your efforts.
Further to your request, I have given below our concerns under Short, Medium & Long term.
1. IDP/detainees(recent/long term)
2. Return/resettlement
3. Fundamental rights
4. Muslim IDPs
5. Missing/disappeared
6. Freedom of movement
7. High Security Zones-demilitarise
8. Transitional camps
9. Choice and representation re: return
10. Land grab
11. Violence/security/arms
12. Transparency
Rule of law/governance
2. 17th amendment for independent oversight of police, judiciary etc
3. Restoration of civilian administration
4. Livelihoods/reconstruction
5. Reconciliation
6. 13th Amendment/APRC
Administration of justice/policing
Land Rights
Culture of Impunity
New fundamental principles
Addressing aspirations
Living together (pluralism)
Identity maintenance and development
Equitable development
Acceptable political solution
We should avoid mixing our concerns; unfortunate people should come first.
Hope these will be of some use in your efforts.
கூட்டத்திற்கு எனது ஆக்கம்...T.THILEEPAN, OSLO
கூட்டத்திற்கு எனது ஆக்கம்
1.ஈழத்தமிழHகளின் வரலாற்றுப்பின்னணியில் என்றும் தலைதெறிக்க ஆடியது தனிமனிதபக்திவாதம். மக்கள்;இ இனம் என்று கூறிக்கொண்டு தனிமனிதனின் தோழ்களில் ஏறியகாவடி முள்ளிவாய்காலில் அட்டு நொருங்கியது. உண்மை. வரலாற்று ரீதியாக ஆயூதப்போராட்டத்தின் ஆரம்பமே துரையப்பாகொலை. கொலைதவன் கொலைசெய்யப்படும் வரை ஆயூதப் போராட்டம் நடந்திருக்கிறது. தனிப்பட்டமனிதன் துரையப்பாவை துரோகியாகக் காட்டுவதன் மூலம் தனைத்தளபதியானவH அமிHதலிங்கம். இவHகள் பயன்படுத்திய கருவியே அன்றை அப்பாவிப் பிரபாகரன்;. வாக்கு வங்கிகளை நிரப்பி தம்பதவிகளையூம் கௌரவங்களையூம் நிலைநிறுத்தப் பயன்படுத்திய வாHத்தைகள்தான் இனம்இ மக்கள் என்பன. எனது பாHவை யில் தமிழ் அரசியல்வாதிகளோ புலிகளே எந்த இயக்கமே மக்களையூம் தமிழையூம்இ உண்மையாக நேசிக்கவில்லை என்பதாகும். உ.ம்: பண்டார நாயக்கா தனது உயHபடிப்பை லண்டனில் முடித்துவிட்டு வந்து பேசிய போது கூறியஇ எழுதியவற்றை நினைவூபடுத்த விரும்புகிறேன். அண்ணா சொன்னதுபோல் மாற்றான் தோட்டத்து மல்லிகையூம் மணம் வீசும். பிற்காலத்தில் பண்டாரநாயக்கா அரசியலுக்காக அடித்த குத்துக் கரணங் களை ஒருபுறம் வைத்துவிட்டு அவH சொன்னது இதுதான் ”தமிழH என்ற ஒரு தனிஇனம் இலங்கையில் வாழ்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது. இது தனித்துவ மானதுஇ தமக்கென சிறப்புமிக்க கலைஇ காலச்சாரம்இ இருப்புகளைக் கொண்டது. இந்த இனம் பாதுகாக்கப்பப்படவேண்டும்.” எந்த சிங்களவனுக் கிருந்த உணHவூ எமது மக்களுக்கே தமிழ்அரசியல்வாதிகளுக்கேஇ இயக்கங்களுக்கே இருந்ததில்லை. இருந்திருந்தால் எடுத்தேன் கவிட்டேன் என நடந்திருக்க மாட்டாHகள். அணைத்துப் பெறுவதை அடித்துப்பெற முயன்றிருக்க மாட்டாHகள். சாத்திய த்தின்இ சத்தியத்தின் கதவூகள் திறந்துதான் இருந்தன. மேலும் ஒரு முக்கிய குறிப்பு: தமிழ்மொழில் கல்வித்திட்டத்தை முன்மொழிந்தவரும்இ அமுல் படுத்தியவரும் இன்று தமிழ் துவேசியாக கருதப்படும் பண்டா என்பதை நினைவில் கொண்டு மீண்டும் சிந்திப்போமானால் சரியாகப்புரியூம் இலங்கை அரசியலைஇ தமிழரின் இன்றைய நிலையை உருவாக்கியவHகள் யாH என்பது
2.அன்று நாம் வயதில் சிறியவHகளாக இருந்தபோதே கேள்விமேல் கேள்விகேட்டோம். தமிழ்ஈழம் புவியல்ரீதியாக சாத்தியமானதா? என்று. இல்லை என்பதற்கான பலகாரணங்களை முன்வைத்தோம்.
புவியல் அமைப்பு
பொருளாதார வளம்
இனவொற்றுமை – முரண்பாடுகள் (சாதியம்)
போராடு தளங்களும் இந்திய ஆக்கிரமிப்புவாதமும்
இப்படிப்பல. இவை அனைத்துமே கறுப்பு அங்கி வக்கீல்களால் வசையா க்கப்பட்டன. என்ன செய்வது நாமும் சேHந்தே உருண்டோம்.
3.இளைஞHகளுக்குக் கிரீடம் வைத்து அரசியல்வாதிகள் வாக்குவங்கியை நிரப்பினாHகள். மாநகரசபைத் தேHதலுக்கும் தமிழீழமே கோரிக்கை. வளம் வற்றியதும்இ ஈழமென்பதை த.வி.கூட்டணி வாக்குகளுக்காக பயன்படுத்து கிறாHகள் என்பதை உணHந்த இளைஞHகள் தமது பாதையை தாமே வகுக்க வெளிக்கிட்டனH. இதன் பேருருவம்தான் புலி புளொட். த.வி.கூ க்குள்ளும் புலிஇ புளொட் எங்கும் உள்ளும் புறமுமாக தனிமனிதத் துதி பாடல்களும்இ பக்திவாதமுமே தலைதூக்கியிருந்தன. மக்கள்இ மனிதம் இனம் என்பன கிள்ளுக்கீரையாகிப் போனது
4.எமது போராட்டம் ஒருதனிமனிதனை நம்பியூம்இ ஆயூதமனநோயிலுமே கட்டப்பட்டிருந்தது. மக்கள்பலத்தையோஇ மனிதசக்தியையேஇ புதியசிந்தனை களையோஇ புதியதலைமைகளையோ உள்வாங்கிக் கொள்ளவில்லை. உ.ம்- மக்கள்பலத்தைஇ மக்களின் மனோபலத்தை நம்பிப் போராட்டம் நடந்திருக்குமானால் மக்களே புலிகளைக் காப்பாற்றி இருப்பாHகள். பல ஆண்டுகளைக்கு முன் நான் எழுதிய துப்பாக்கியில் துளிHவிடும் துHபாக்கியதேசம் என்ற எனது கவிதைப் தொகுப்பில் என்னுரையில் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளேன். மக்கள் பாHவையாளராகவே இருக்கிறாHகள். பங்காளி களாகவில்லை என்று. போராளிகளுக்கு சாப்பாடு கொடுப்பதுஇ பங்கH வெட்டுவதுதான் பங்களிப்பாகாது. அதையூம் பலவிடங்களில் ஆயூதமுனை யிலேயே செய்வித்தனH. ஆயூதத்தால் வெருட்டி வளHக்கப்பட்ட மக்கள் எப்படி இராணுவத்தின் ஆயூதங்களை எதிHத்து நிற்பாHகள். இதன் விளைவை வன்னியில் கண்டிருப்பீHகள். மக்கள் மனங்கள் சுயமாக வென்றெடுக்கப்படவில்லைஇதயாHபடுத்தப்படவில்லை. அப்படித் தயாHபடுத்தப் பட்டிருந்தால் புலிகள் பிள்ளைபிடிகாரHகள் போல் ஆள்பிடிக்க வேண்டிய அவசியம் இருந்திருக்காது. போராட்டத்துக்குரிய தங்களது பங்களிப்பை மக்கள் தாமாகவே முன்வந்து செய்திருப்பாHகள்.
5.புலிகள் நடத்தியது மக்கள் போராட்டமல்ல என்பதை வரலாறு காட்டிநிற்கிறது. மனிதனிடம் இருக்கும் அதிஉயH பெறுமதி கொண்டது உயிH மட்டும்தான். இந்த உயிH போகப்போகிறது என்பதை அறிந்தும் மக்கள் ஏனைய இடங்களிலும்இ வன்னியிலும் ஓடி ஓடி இறந்தாHகளே தவிர ஆமியையோ புலிகளையோ எதிHக்கப்பில்லை. இது போதும் மக்கள் போராட்டத்துக்குத் தயாH இல்லை என்பதை உணHத்து. ஒரு பயந்தான் கொள்ளிச் சமூகத்தைத்தானே உருவாக்கி இருந்தாHகள். மக்களின் போராடும் சக்தியூம்இ மனோநிலையூம் ஆயூதங்களாலும் அரசில்வாதிகளாலும் மழுங்கடிக்கப்பட்ட பின் போராட்டம் என்பதே அHத்தற்றது
6.இன்று வரலாறும்இ வரலாறுகளும் காட்டியபாடங்களைப் பாHக்காது மீண்டும் புலி என்றும்இ மற்றய இயக்கங்கள் என்றும்இ ஈழமென்றும்இ இனம் என்று பேசுவதில் எந்த அHத்தமும் இருப்பதாகத் தெரியவில்லை. அப்படியானால் இதற்கான முடிவென்ன? அப்படியே அழியவிடுவதா? இதை ஆராயத்தானே இங்கே கூடியிருக்கிறீHகள்.
எதிHகாலத்தில் என்ன செய்யவேண்டும் என்பது பற்றிய எனது கருத்து
1.மீண்டும் வரலாற்றைத் திரும்பிப்பாருங்கள். புலிகள் முதல் அரசியல்வாதி களீறாக தனிமனிதH வரை ஒவ்வொன்றாக ஏன்இ எதற்குஇ எப்படிஇ முடியூமாஇ முடியாதா? என்று யோசியூங்கள். இன்றும் காலதாமதம் ஆகவில்லை புலிகள் சுயவிமHசனம் செய்து மக்களிடையே வந்து உண்மையைச் சொல்வதும். வியHவை சிந்திய புலத்துத் தமிழHகளின் பணங்களை அவHகளிடமோ அல்லது ஈழத்தமிழHகளின் மேம்பாட்டுக்கோ பயன்படுத்தும் வேலைத்திட்டங்களை மக்கள்; முன்வைப்பது மிக முக்கியமானது. காரணம் மக்களின் நம்பிக்கையைப் பெறாத பட்சத்தில் நீங்கள் முன்னேடுக்கும் எந்தவேலைத்திட்டமும் அவநம்பிக்கைக்குரியதாகி மீண்டும் ஒரு முள்ளி வாய்க்காலுக்கு வழிவகுக்கும்.
2.எது நடந்தது? என்ன நடந்தது? என்ற கேள்விகள் ஒன்றரை வருடமாகியூம் பதில் தெரியாது இருக்கும் வேளை அடுத்தகட்டநகHவூ எப்படிச் சாத்தியமாகும்? இங்கே மீண்டும் புலிகளின் பங்கு முக்கியமாகிறது. தாமே முன்வந்து நடந்த உண்மைநிலைகளை மக்களுக்கு உணHத்தி மனித நேயத்துடனும்இ இனம் என்ற அத்திவாரத்தில் நின்றுஇ முரண்பாடுகளை மறந்து செய்படுவது முக்கியம்
3.ஒருதனிமனிதH கருத்துக்களைப் புறம்தள்ளாது திறந்த மனதுடன் ஏற்றுஇ அதாவது எதிரி கூட நல்லவிடயங்களைச் சொல்லாம் என்ற மனப்பக்குவத் துடன் செயற்படுவது அவசியம். ஒரு தனிமனிதனால் கூட பெரியசாதனை களைப் புரியமுடியூம் என்பதற்கு எமது காலத்தில் வாழ்ந்த பிரபாகரன் ஒரு உதாரணம். இது நல்லதுஇ கெட்டது என்பதற்கு அப்பால் இது எமது வரலாற்றின் ஒரு மைல்கல் என்பதை யாரும் மறுக்க இயலாது. கிட்டலHஇ நெப்போலியன்இ காந்தி இவHகளும் தனிமனிதHகளே. இவHகளின் சிந்த னைகளின் சாதனைகள் உலகமே கண்டு வியந்திருக்கிறது.
4.முரண்பாடுகளை மறந்து இனம்இ மொழி இவை இரண்டும் எல்லோருக்கும் பொதுவானது. இதற்காக உழைக்க வேண்டிய பொறுப்பு எல்லோருக்கும் உண்டு. அவனவன் தன்தகுதிக்கேற்ப செய்படுவதை மற்றவHகள் ஊக்கிவிக்காவிட்டாலும் இழிவூபடுத்தாமல் இருந்தாலே போதுமானது.
5.இன்றை உலகைத் தீHமானிப்பது பொருளாதாரம்இ அறிவூஇ கல்விஇ சிந்தனைகள் என்பதை யாரும் மறுக்க முடியாது. இன்று நாம் எமது இனத்துக்குச் செய்யவேண்டியது இதைத்தான். இவற்றில் எமது மக்களை மேம்பச் செய்தால் அதிகாரம் எமது கைக்கு வரும் என்பதை யாராவது மறுப்பீHகளா?
6.புலத்திலுள்ள பிள்ளைகளை தமிழ் அடையாளத்துடன் வளருங்கள். மொழியற்ற இனம் முகமற்ற மனிதன் போன்றது. ஆதலால் தமிழ்மொழியை பழக்கஇ வளக்க மொழியாக்குங்கள். தமிழின் பெருமைகளைச் சொல்லி வளருங்கள்யிலுள்ள தமிழHகளை உயHத்த
பொருளாதாரரீதியாக எம்மக்களை அரசில் தங்கியிருக்காது சுயமாக்குவது
வெளிநாட்டு மோகங்களை ஏற்படுத்தாது எமது மண்ணிலேயே வாழ வசதிகளை ஏற்படுத்துவது
கல்வி மேம்பாட்டுக்கான காரணிகளை செய்து கொடுப்பது (இதை ஒவ்வொரு தனிமனிதனும் செய்யலாம்)
நாம் ஆயூதப்போராட்டத்துக்கு வளங்கிய பணத்தில் அரைவாசி இலங்கையையே வாங்கியிருக்கலாம். இது இன்றும் சாத்திய மானதுதான்.
காணிகளை வாங்கி எமது மக்களின் இருப்பை உறுதி செய்வது.
ஈழத்தில் தொழிலுக்கானமொழி எதுவாக இருந்தாலும் வீட்டில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மொழி தமிழாகட்டும். பயன்படுத்தப்படாத மொழி அழிந்து விடும். மொழி அழிந்தால் இனம் அழிந்து விடும்
8.எம்மினம் போராலும் பொருளாதார காரணிகளாலும் பெருக்கமற்ற அழிந்து போகிறது. இதனை மீழக்கட்டமைக்க பரிசுத்திட்டம். ”பத்துப் பெத்தால் பரிசழிப்போ” இதுமட்டும் போதாது 4 பிள்ளைகளுக்கு மேல் உள்ள பிள்ளைகளின் கல்விஇ உணவூஇ உடைஇ உறையூள் என்பனவற்றை புலத்து மக்கள் மட்டுமல்ல புலத்திலுள்ள எமது பிள்ளைகளும் பொறுப்போற்று திட்டமிடப்பட்டு நடைமுறைப்படுத்துவது. காரணம் இன்று எமது இனம் இலங்கையில் 3 இனமாகியூள்ளது என்பதை மனதில் கொள்க.
9.முக்கியமாக அரசகுடியேற்றங்கள் என்று எதிHத்து நின்று இன்னும் எமது இனத்தையூம்இ நிலத்தையூம் இழக்காது. இந்துமதம் போல் எதிரியையூம் உள்வாங்கி அவனை எம்மவனாக்கி விடுவது. யாழ்பாணம் வரும் ஒவ்வொரு சிங்களவனும் தமிழனாகட்டும். சாத்தியமாகும் பக்கங்களை ஏன் பாHக்க மறக்கிறீHகள்.
10.சொல்லிச் செய்வது இராஜதந்திரமல்ல. சொல்லிச் செய்வது தமிழ்சினிமாபோல் சு+ழுரை. எதையூம் சொல்லாமல் தனது எண்ணத்தை நிறைவேற்றுவது இராஜதந்திரம். இதை நாம் நோHவேயிடமும் நோHவே மக்களிடமும் இருந்து கற்கவில்லை என்றால் அதற்கான சந்தHப்பம் எமக்கு இல்லை என்பதே முடிவூ.
1.ஈழத்தமிழHகளின் வரலாற்றுப்பின்னணியில் என்றும் தலைதெறிக்க ஆடியது தனிமனிதபக்திவாதம். மக்கள்;இ இனம் என்று கூறிக்கொண்டு தனிமனிதனின் தோழ்களில் ஏறியகாவடி முள்ளிவாய்காலில் அட்டு நொருங்கியது. உண்மை. வரலாற்று ரீதியாக ஆயூதப்போராட்டத்தின் ஆரம்பமே துரையப்பாகொலை. கொலைதவன் கொலைசெய்யப்படும் வரை ஆயூதப் போராட்டம் நடந்திருக்கிறது. தனிப்பட்டமனிதன் துரையப்பாவை துரோகியாகக் காட்டுவதன் மூலம் தனைத்தளபதியானவH அமிHதலிங்கம். இவHகள் பயன்படுத்திய கருவியே அன்றை அப்பாவிப் பிரபாகரன்;. வாக்கு வங்கிகளை நிரப்பி தம்பதவிகளையூம் கௌரவங்களையூம் நிலைநிறுத்தப் பயன்படுத்திய வாHத்தைகள்தான் இனம்இ மக்கள் என்பன. எனது பாHவை யில் தமிழ் அரசியல்வாதிகளோ புலிகளே எந்த இயக்கமே மக்களையூம் தமிழையூம்இ உண்மையாக நேசிக்கவில்லை என்பதாகும். உ.ம்: பண்டார நாயக்கா தனது உயHபடிப்பை லண்டனில் முடித்துவிட்டு வந்து பேசிய போது கூறியஇ எழுதியவற்றை நினைவூபடுத்த விரும்புகிறேன். அண்ணா சொன்னதுபோல் மாற்றான் தோட்டத்து மல்லிகையூம் மணம் வீசும். பிற்காலத்தில் பண்டாரநாயக்கா அரசியலுக்காக அடித்த குத்துக் கரணங் களை ஒருபுறம் வைத்துவிட்டு அவH சொன்னது இதுதான் ”தமிழH என்ற ஒரு தனிஇனம் இலங்கையில் வாழ்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது. இது தனித்துவ மானதுஇ தமக்கென சிறப்புமிக்க கலைஇ காலச்சாரம்இ இருப்புகளைக் கொண்டது. இந்த இனம் பாதுகாக்கப்பப்படவேண்டும்.” எந்த சிங்களவனுக் கிருந்த உணHவூ எமது மக்களுக்கே தமிழ்அரசியல்வாதிகளுக்கேஇ இயக்கங்களுக்கே இருந்ததில்லை. இருந்திருந்தால் எடுத்தேன் கவிட்டேன் என நடந்திருக்க மாட்டாHகள். அணைத்துப் பெறுவதை அடித்துப்பெற முயன்றிருக்க மாட்டாHகள். சாத்திய த்தின்இ சத்தியத்தின் கதவூகள் திறந்துதான் இருந்தன. மேலும் ஒரு முக்கிய குறிப்பு: தமிழ்மொழில் கல்வித்திட்டத்தை முன்மொழிந்தவரும்இ அமுல் படுத்தியவரும் இன்று தமிழ் துவேசியாக கருதப்படும் பண்டா என்பதை நினைவில் கொண்டு மீண்டும் சிந்திப்போமானால் சரியாகப்புரியூம் இலங்கை அரசியலைஇ தமிழரின் இன்றைய நிலையை உருவாக்கியவHகள் யாH என்பது
2.அன்று நாம் வயதில் சிறியவHகளாக இருந்தபோதே கேள்விமேல் கேள்விகேட்டோம். தமிழ்ஈழம் புவியல்ரீதியாக சாத்தியமானதா? என்று. இல்லை என்பதற்கான பலகாரணங்களை முன்வைத்தோம்.
புவியல் அமைப்பு
பொருளாதார வளம்
இனவொற்றுமை – முரண்பாடுகள் (சாதியம்)
போராடு தளங்களும் இந்திய ஆக்கிரமிப்புவாதமும்
இப்படிப்பல. இவை அனைத்துமே கறுப்பு அங்கி வக்கீல்களால் வசையா க்கப்பட்டன. என்ன செய்வது நாமும் சேHந்தே உருண்டோம்.
3.இளைஞHகளுக்குக் கிரீடம் வைத்து அரசியல்வாதிகள் வாக்குவங்கியை நிரப்பினாHகள். மாநகரசபைத் தேHதலுக்கும் தமிழீழமே கோரிக்கை. வளம் வற்றியதும்இ ஈழமென்பதை த.வி.கூட்டணி வாக்குகளுக்காக பயன்படுத்து கிறாHகள் என்பதை உணHந்த இளைஞHகள் தமது பாதையை தாமே வகுக்க வெளிக்கிட்டனH. இதன் பேருருவம்தான் புலி புளொட். த.வி.கூ க்குள்ளும் புலிஇ புளொட் எங்கும் உள்ளும் புறமுமாக தனிமனிதத் துதி பாடல்களும்இ பக்திவாதமுமே தலைதூக்கியிருந்தன. மக்கள்இ மனிதம் இனம் என்பன கிள்ளுக்கீரையாகிப் போனது
4.எமது போராட்டம் ஒருதனிமனிதனை நம்பியூம்இ ஆயூதமனநோயிலுமே கட்டப்பட்டிருந்தது. மக்கள்பலத்தையோஇ மனிதசக்தியையேஇ புதியசிந்தனை களையோஇ புதியதலைமைகளையோ உள்வாங்கிக் கொள்ளவில்லை. உ.ம்- மக்கள்பலத்தைஇ மக்களின் மனோபலத்தை நம்பிப் போராட்டம் நடந்திருக்குமானால் மக்களே புலிகளைக் காப்பாற்றி இருப்பாHகள். பல ஆண்டுகளைக்கு முன் நான் எழுதிய துப்பாக்கியில் துளிHவிடும் துHபாக்கியதேசம் என்ற எனது கவிதைப் தொகுப்பில் என்னுரையில் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளேன். மக்கள் பாHவையாளராகவே இருக்கிறாHகள். பங்காளி களாகவில்லை என்று. போராளிகளுக்கு சாப்பாடு கொடுப்பதுஇ பங்கH வெட்டுவதுதான் பங்களிப்பாகாது. அதையூம் பலவிடங்களில் ஆயூதமுனை யிலேயே செய்வித்தனH. ஆயூதத்தால் வெருட்டி வளHக்கப்பட்ட மக்கள் எப்படி இராணுவத்தின் ஆயூதங்களை எதிHத்து நிற்பாHகள். இதன் விளைவை வன்னியில் கண்டிருப்பீHகள். மக்கள் மனங்கள் சுயமாக வென்றெடுக்கப்படவில்லைஇதயாHபடுத்தப்படவில்லை. அப்படித் தயாHபடுத்தப் பட்டிருந்தால் புலிகள் பிள்ளைபிடிகாரHகள் போல் ஆள்பிடிக்க வேண்டிய அவசியம் இருந்திருக்காது. போராட்டத்துக்குரிய தங்களது பங்களிப்பை மக்கள் தாமாகவே முன்வந்து செய்திருப்பாHகள்.
5.புலிகள் நடத்தியது மக்கள் போராட்டமல்ல என்பதை வரலாறு காட்டிநிற்கிறது. மனிதனிடம் இருக்கும் அதிஉயH பெறுமதி கொண்டது உயிH மட்டும்தான். இந்த உயிH போகப்போகிறது என்பதை அறிந்தும் மக்கள் ஏனைய இடங்களிலும்இ வன்னியிலும் ஓடி ஓடி இறந்தாHகளே தவிர ஆமியையோ புலிகளையோ எதிHக்கப்பில்லை. இது போதும் மக்கள் போராட்டத்துக்குத் தயாH இல்லை என்பதை உணHத்து. ஒரு பயந்தான் கொள்ளிச் சமூகத்தைத்தானே உருவாக்கி இருந்தாHகள். மக்களின் போராடும் சக்தியூம்இ மனோநிலையூம் ஆயூதங்களாலும் அரசில்வாதிகளாலும் மழுங்கடிக்கப்பட்ட பின் போராட்டம் என்பதே அHத்தற்றது
6.இன்று வரலாறும்இ வரலாறுகளும் காட்டியபாடங்களைப் பாHக்காது மீண்டும் புலி என்றும்இ மற்றய இயக்கங்கள் என்றும்இ ஈழமென்றும்இ இனம் என்று பேசுவதில் எந்த அHத்தமும் இருப்பதாகத் தெரியவில்லை. அப்படியானால் இதற்கான முடிவென்ன? அப்படியே அழியவிடுவதா? இதை ஆராயத்தானே இங்கே கூடியிருக்கிறீHகள்.
எதிHகாலத்தில் என்ன செய்யவேண்டும் என்பது பற்றிய எனது கருத்து
1.மீண்டும் வரலாற்றைத் திரும்பிப்பாருங்கள். புலிகள் முதல் அரசியல்வாதி களீறாக தனிமனிதH வரை ஒவ்வொன்றாக ஏன்இ எதற்குஇ எப்படிஇ முடியூமாஇ முடியாதா? என்று யோசியூங்கள். இன்றும் காலதாமதம் ஆகவில்லை புலிகள் சுயவிமHசனம் செய்து மக்களிடையே வந்து உண்மையைச் சொல்வதும். வியHவை சிந்திய புலத்துத் தமிழHகளின் பணங்களை அவHகளிடமோ அல்லது ஈழத்தமிழHகளின் மேம்பாட்டுக்கோ பயன்படுத்தும் வேலைத்திட்டங்களை மக்கள்; முன்வைப்பது மிக முக்கியமானது. காரணம் மக்களின் நம்பிக்கையைப் பெறாத பட்சத்தில் நீங்கள் முன்னேடுக்கும் எந்தவேலைத்திட்டமும் அவநம்பிக்கைக்குரியதாகி மீண்டும் ஒரு முள்ளி வாய்க்காலுக்கு வழிவகுக்கும்.
2.எது நடந்தது? என்ன நடந்தது? என்ற கேள்விகள் ஒன்றரை வருடமாகியூம் பதில் தெரியாது இருக்கும் வேளை அடுத்தகட்டநகHவூ எப்படிச் சாத்தியமாகும்? இங்கே மீண்டும் புலிகளின் பங்கு முக்கியமாகிறது. தாமே முன்வந்து நடந்த உண்மைநிலைகளை மக்களுக்கு உணHத்தி மனித நேயத்துடனும்இ இனம் என்ற அத்திவாரத்தில் நின்றுஇ முரண்பாடுகளை மறந்து செய்படுவது முக்கியம்
3.ஒருதனிமனிதH கருத்துக்களைப் புறம்தள்ளாது திறந்த மனதுடன் ஏற்றுஇ அதாவது எதிரி கூட நல்லவிடயங்களைச் சொல்லாம் என்ற மனப்பக்குவத் துடன் செயற்படுவது அவசியம். ஒரு தனிமனிதனால் கூட பெரியசாதனை களைப் புரியமுடியூம் என்பதற்கு எமது காலத்தில் வாழ்ந்த பிரபாகரன் ஒரு உதாரணம். இது நல்லதுஇ கெட்டது என்பதற்கு அப்பால் இது எமது வரலாற்றின் ஒரு மைல்கல் என்பதை யாரும் மறுக்க இயலாது. கிட்டலHஇ நெப்போலியன்இ காந்தி இவHகளும் தனிமனிதHகளே. இவHகளின் சிந்த னைகளின் சாதனைகள் உலகமே கண்டு வியந்திருக்கிறது.
4.முரண்பாடுகளை மறந்து இனம்இ மொழி இவை இரண்டும் எல்லோருக்கும் பொதுவானது. இதற்காக உழைக்க வேண்டிய பொறுப்பு எல்லோருக்கும் உண்டு. அவனவன் தன்தகுதிக்கேற்ப செய்படுவதை மற்றவHகள் ஊக்கிவிக்காவிட்டாலும் இழிவூபடுத்தாமல் இருந்தாலே போதுமானது.
5.இன்றை உலகைத் தீHமானிப்பது பொருளாதாரம்இ அறிவூஇ கல்விஇ சிந்தனைகள் என்பதை யாரும் மறுக்க முடியாது. இன்று நாம் எமது இனத்துக்குச் செய்யவேண்டியது இதைத்தான். இவற்றில் எமது மக்களை மேம்பச் செய்தால் அதிகாரம் எமது கைக்கு வரும் என்பதை யாராவது மறுப்பீHகளா?
6.புலத்திலுள்ள பிள்ளைகளை தமிழ் அடையாளத்துடன் வளருங்கள். மொழியற்ற இனம் முகமற்ற மனிதன் போன்றது. ஆதலால் தமிழ்மொழியை பழக்கஇ வளக்க மொழியாக்குங்கள். தமிழின் பெருமைகளைச் சொல்லி வளருங்கள்யிலுள்ள தமிழHகளை உயHத்த
பொருளாதாரரீதியாக எம்மக்களை அரசில் தங்கியிருக்காது சுயமாக்குவது
வெளிநாட்டு மோகங்களை ஏற்படுத்தாது எமது மண்ணிலேயே வாழ வசதிகளை ஏற்படுத்துவது
கல்வி மேம்பாட்டுக்கான காரணிகளை செய்து கொடுப்பது (இதை ஒவ்வொரு தனிமனிதனும் செய்யலாம்)
நாம் ஆயூதப்போராட்டத்துக்கு வளங்கிய பணத்தில் அரைவாசி இலங்கையையே வாங்கியிருக்கலாம். இது இன்றும் சாத்திய மானதுதான்.
காணிகளை வாங்கி எமது மக்களின் இருப்பை உறுதி செய்வது.
ஈழத்தில் தொழிலுக்கானமொழி எதுவாக இருந்தாலும் வீட்டில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மொழி தமிழாகட்டும். பயன்படுத்தப்படாத மொழி அழிந்து விடும். மொழி அழிந்தால் இனம் அழிந்து விடும்
8.எம்மினம் போராலும் பொருளாதார காரணிகளாலும் பெருக்கமற்ற அழிந்து போகிறது. இதனை மீழக்கட்டமைக்க பரிசுத்திட்டம். ”பத்துப் பெத்தால் பரிசழிப்போ” இதுமட்டும் போதாது 4 பிள்ளைகளுக்கு மேல் உள்ள பிள்ளைகளின் கல்விஇ உணவூஇ உடைஇ உறையூள் என்பனவற்றை புலத்து மக்கள் மட்டுமல்ல புலத்திலுள்ள எமது பிள்ளைகளும் பொறுப்போற்று திட்டமிடப்பட்டு நடைமுறைப்படுத்துவது. காரணம் இன்று எமது இனம் இலங்கையில் 3 இனமாகியூள்ளது என்பதை மனதில் கொள்க.
9.முக்கியமாக அரசகுடியேற்றங்கள் என்று எதிHத்து நின்று இன்னும் எமது இனத்தையூம்இ நிலத்தையூம் இழக்காது. இந்துமதம் போல் எதிரியையூம் உள்வாங்கி அவனை எம்மவனாக்கி விடுவது. யாழ்பாணம் வரும் ஒவ்வொரு சிங்களவனும் தமிழனாகட்டும். சாத்தியமாகும் பக்கங்களை ஏன் பாHக்க மறக்கிறீHகள்.
10.சொல்லிச் செய்வது இராஜதந்திரமல்ல. சொல்லிச் செய்வது தமிழ்சினிமாபோல் சு+ழுரை. எதையூம் சொல்லாமல் தனது எண்ணத்தை நிறைவேற்றுவது இராஜதந்திரம். இதை நாம் நோHவேயிடமும் நோHவே மக்களிடமும் இருந்து கற்கவில்லை என்றால் அதற்கான சந்தHப்பம் எமக்கு இல்லை என்பதே முடிவூ.
The Course of Action to restore Civilian Life in the North and East of Sri Lanka..!!!
The Course of Action to restore Civilian Life in the North and East of Sri Lanka:
1. Just like the Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal of South Africa against Apartheid, a similar tribunal should be constituted with international panel of Justice and grievances looked into and set right within a reasonable time frame. The first announcement should be a General Pardon to all rebels since they cannot be separated from Tamils of Sri Lanka.
2. Restoration of Status Quo Ante:
Whatever is the Sinhala new settlement, first the land held by Tamils should be re-conveyed them in a phased manner within a reasonable time frame not more than a year.
3. Constitutional Amendment is brought to see that the land rights of Tamils are in alienable- something similar to the Special Status what Kashmir enjoys in India
4. As a priority, international community must come forward to rehabilitate the entire Tamil refugees is all over the world with a guarantee to dignified livelihood.
5. As a part of public policy, the GoSL must earmark 20% of spending for Tamils- identical to the” Special Component Plan’ in India for the marginalized people.
6. Tamils be brought to the main stream Sri Lanka as part of state sposnired affirmative action with reservation in jobs, admission in schools and colleges.
N.K.Kumaresan Raja PhD.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Political Science,
Annamalai University,
Annamalai Nagar- 608 002,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Hand Phone:91-9488510376
Skype Id:professor.raja
(Formerly Professor, Centre for Rural Studies, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie- 248 179, India)
1. Just like the Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal of South Africa against Apartheid, a similar tribunal should be constituted with international panel of Justice and grievances looked into and set right within a reasonable time frame. The first announcement should be a General Pardon to all rebels since they cannot be separated from Tamils of Sri Lanka.
2. Restoration of Status Quo Ante:
Whatever is the Sinhala new settlement, first the land held by Tamils should be re-conveyed them in a phased manner within a reasonable time frame not more than a year.
3. Constitutional Amendment is brought to see that the land rights of Tamils are in alienable- something similar to the Special Status what Kashmir enjoys in India
4. As a priority, international community must come forward to rehabilitate the entire Tamil refugees is all over the world with a guarantee to dignified livelihood.
5. As a part of public policy, the GoSL must earmark 20% of spending for Tamils- identical to the” Special Component Plan’ in India for the marginalized people.
6. Tamils be brought to the main stream Sri Lanka as part of state sposnired affirmative action with reservation in jobs, admission in schools and colleges.
N.K.Kumaresan Raja PhD.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Political Science,
Annamalai University,
Annamalai Nagar- 608 002,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Hand Phone:91-9488510376
Skype Id:professor.raja
(Formerly Professor, Centre for Rural Studies, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie- 248 179, India)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The present and future situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka..!!!
| Moderator to me
The present and future situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka
At present our brothers and sisters have accepted a lower level of expectation in Sri Lanka. Their expectation is to be alive and be able to feed at least once a day. That is the prudent thing to do in the face of an unreasonable enemy. The human mind is designed to shift its mode of existence depending on the environment and to tell you the truth humans are very strong and resilient, it can change its mode of existence. At present the Tamils may have to accept it as the way it is given to them. But today’s event in London England has given us hope that the beginning of the end is near. But the situation who will succeed Rajapaksa and his clans. As it is The Singhalese establishment is collapsing but it is still not openly visible.
The Situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka looks bright to me because of the new borderless world where money, information, goods flow freely. The governments are becoming powerless in the face of corporate power where the control of the money has shifted from governments to corporations.
Based on this fact we are building the biggest team ever, every Tamil will be a winner
Let me tell you the truth, when we took the first few steps we never thought we will go this far. Indeed we are surprised at the speed at which freedom is unfolding. Therefore my fellow Tamils never ever hesitates to take the first few steps and you will be surprised what can be achieved.
To survive as Tamils we have to unite, here listen to what Jean Jacques Rousseau have to say,
“I assume that people reach a point where the obstacles to their preservation and progress may prove greater than the strength they have. Beyond this point the existing state of conditions cannot endure, exist and assist them and the human race will perish if it does not change its mode of existence”
-Jean Jacques Rousseau
Therefore Tamil have to find a new way of existence.
Subramanian Masilamany
Therefore we have set out to build a new model for Tamils worldwide. We are building a team of 65-70 million Tamil people living all over the world. This will be the biggest team ever. I am going to systematically guide you as to how to get your freedom, self esteem and hence peace. South Asian primitiveness will take eons to change, but we, Tamils have the greatest opportunity to do so.
Let me give you the good news first, forget about the traditional form of governments. E.g. the concept of a country with in the physical borders and the creation of a sovereign nation, with its government etc. The government had the jurisdiction over the citizens. That is the old model. In 1982 it was proposed that the existing form of governments are not suitable for the modern world where money, goods and information flow freely. If it is so why not people? or do people have to migrate? This is the new world. Internet has made governments obsolete. So if our Tamil folks wonder who is going to lead the freedom struggle, the answer is simple we are all going to be leaders like the Boston marathon where every body runs but no leaders. Modern democracy wants every one to be their own leader. One leader or even few leaders do not have the capacity, experience and wisdom to lead people. The world is too informed and intelligent. Thanks to European and American constitutions.
Therefore every Tamil is now endowed with greater responsibility than before, you have to take care of yourself and also do a few chores for the community. Forget about looking up to any leader to lead you, you are your own master and you design your own destiny and you work for it. No hand outs no hand ins. You are a free man to live your own life. No sheep all shepherds. It is estimated by the year 2020, they will be 10 million self employed entrepreneurs in Canada. What does it tell you?
Sri Lanka, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan and few other outdated governments are trying to maintain the status quo. They will only fail. Let me give you a simple example. I order some product in Singapore, I pay with my credit card in Canada, my credit card company is USA, The money goes to pay pal and they hold the money till I receive the goods. And on receipt of the goods the supplier gets paid. Again I am in Canada, a man works for me in Sri Lanka and get paid in Sri Lanka, where is the government in this transaction? Governments are obsolete. Did you get it my dear Tamil friend? Aren’t you proud to be Tamil? We are the trail blazers of the human race. Our idea of “Nations without borders” is exactly what is happening in the western world.
The borders are dissolving; governments are bankrupt, but not nations or people. The world will function normally if the government is taken out of the equation. So if the governments are less important and are becoming irrelevant and redundant why try to form a government, why looking for borders and restrict your fortune.
That is the background on which we Tamils are going to be the pioneers. We invented the Katamarm. We pioneered international trade and travel. “Borderless Nation” is our contribution to the new world. So here we are set out to build a formidable team of people, whom we have not even met before. But the mission is so pure, so divine, so selfless it is succeeding. To bring all Tamils living all over the world under one ideology we have to come up with a plan. What we Tamils are going to do is to first define our mission, we call it the mission statement.
“Our mission is to encourage Tamils all over the world to come together as one community and form a synergistic social, economical and political entity that will empower every Tamil to become a great citizen with self esteem, self respect and self sufficiency”
Now that the mission is defined , we have to have a set of things to do to achieve this mission.
1.All Tamil must accept each and every Tamil as members of the same alliance, all Tamils must be united whatever difference exists in our thoughts.
2.All Tamils must educate their children at least for 15 years of education, which means a basic university degree.
3.All families must respect the sanctity of marriage and the institution of family. No one owns the family but we all belong to the family. A sense of belonging not ownership. Every family must have at least 3 children.
4.All families must have Trans generational families, that is the elders and the younger form the part of family.
5.Must own home and land free and clear of any obligations.
6.Must promote building educational institutions, Researh and development.
7.Building our own professional services such a health, legal, accounting etc.
8.Promoting business building, Business is the source of wealth and employment.
9.Earning, Saving and Investment to ensure total control over our own destiny
10.Promoting good relationship with resident government and other communities
The Sri Lankan Government acts like an insecure and inferiority complexed child, it is bent on destroying the Tamil will, freedom and peace. It looks as though some Tamils due to their naivety, innocence and sometimes due to ignorance try to destroy their own community. We don’t believe if there is any truth in it.
The insecure Sri Lankan government is doing false propaganda to divide the Tamils. But Tamil people must not succumb to such narcissistic attempts. Tamil people remain calm and resolute in the face of an unreasonable enemy.
Every Tamil was affected in some way by the misguided and foolish acts of the Singhalese people. They have been imbued into racism and fanaticism. It is our duty to help them to wean out of the self destructive behaviour.
Every Tamil has some sorrow and horror story to tell. Therefore we cannot be divided. The goal is one, the resolve must be one, but the pathways may differ. All Roads lead to one destination. Therefore there cannot be any division. The division is only bogey man created by the Sri Lankan government.
60 years of untold and untellable atrocities have united us inseparably, but of there are nay Tamils have any hope that the Singhalese will give your freedom and peace you will sadly mistaken, but if you are looking bread crumbs you are right, and if there are nay Tamil who feel alienated by our own Tamils try to understand that they may have their own faulty reasons but they will come back
Tamil culture is Trans-generational so there is no point compromising our long term stability to short term illusions. Tamil must think as a family, as group and as community. As we always say, a fish will only discover water last but it is too late. Community is the pond in which we live. It very important that we tolerate small shortcomings to look at the larger picture.
As I always say, all Tamils must unite, work hard, stay together and never ever give up. Tamils in Sri Lanka have to be optimistic and have faith in Diaspora, we are working relentlessly not only to free you but to unite 90 million Tamils worldwide to give us much better political and economical clout in world capitals.. Please rest assured that we will free you. God bless you all, we are with you.
Thank you for listening
My name is subramaniam Masilamany
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The present and future situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka
At present our brothers and sisters have accepted a lower level of expectation in Sri Lanka. Their expectation is to be alive and be able to feed at least once a day. That is the prudent thing to do in the face of an unreasonable enemy. The human mind is designed to shift its mode of existence depending on the environment and to tell you the truth humans are very strong and resilient, it can change its mode of existence. At present the Tamils may have to accept it as the way it is given to them. But today’s event in London England has given us hope that the beginning of the end is near. But the situation who will succeed Rajapaksa and his clans. As it is The Singhalese establishment is collapsing but it is still not openly visible.
The Situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka looks bright to me because of the new borderless world where money, information, goods flow freely. The governments are becoming powerless in the face of corporate power where the control of the money has shifted from governments to corporations.
Based on this fact we are building the biggest team ever, every Tamil will be a winner
Let me tell you the truth, when we took the first few steps we never thought we will go this far. Indeed we are surprised at the speed at which freedom is unfolding. Therefore my fellow Tamils never ever hesitates to take the first few steps and you will be surprised what can be achieved.
To survive as Tamils we have to unite, here listen to what Jean Jacques Rousseau have to say,
“I assume that people reach a point where the obstacles to their preservation and progress may prove greater than the strength they have. Beyond this point the existing state of conditions cannot endure, exist and assist them and the human race will perish if it does not change its mode of existence”
-Jean Jacques Rousseau
Therefore Tamil have to find a new way of existence.
Subramanian Masilamany
Therefore we have set out to build a new model for Tamils worldwide. We are building a team of 65-70 million Tamil people living all over the world. This will be the biggest team ever. I am going to systematically guide you as to how to get your freedom, self esteem and hence peace. South Asian primitiveness will take eons to change, but we, Tamils have the greatest opportunity to do so.
Let me give you the good news first, forget about the traditional form of governments. E.g. the concept of a country with in the physical borders and the creation of a sovereign nation, with its government etc. The government had the jurisdiction over the citizens. That is the old model. In 1982 it was proposed that the existing form of governments are not suitable for the modern world where money, goods and information flow freely. If it is so why not people? or do people have to migrate? This is the new world. Internet has made governments obsolete. So if our Tamil folks wonder who is going to lead the freedom struggle, the answer is simple we are all going to be leaders like the Boston marathon where every body runs but no leaders. Modern democracy wants every one to be their own leader. One leader or even few leaders do not have the capacity, experience and wisdom to lead people. The world is too informed and intelligent. Thanks to European and American constitutions.
Therefore every Tamil is now endowed with greater responsibility than before, you have to take care of yourself and also do a few chores for the community. Forget about looking up to any leader to lead you, you are your own master and you design your own destiny and you work for it. No hand outs no hand ins. You are a free man to live your own life. No sheep all shepherds. It is estimated by the year 2020, they will be 10 million self employed entrepreneurs in Canada. What does it tell you?
Sri Lanka, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan and few other outdated governments are trying to maintain the status quo. They will only fail. Let me give you a simple example. I order some product in Singapore, I pay with my credit card in Canada, my credit card company is USA, The money goes to pay pal and they hold the money till I receive the goods. And on receipt of the goods the supplier gets paid. Again I am in Canada, a man works for me in Sri Lanka and get paid in Sri Lanka, where is the government in this transaction? Governments are obsolete. Did you get it my dear Tamil friend? Aren’t you proud to be Tamil? We are the trail blazers of the human race. Our idea of “Nations without borders” is exactly what is happening in the western world.
The borders are dissolving; governments are bankrupt, but not nations or people. The world will function normally if the government is taken out of the equation. So if the governments are less important and are becoming irrelevant and redundant why try to form a government, why looking for borders and restrict your fortune.
That is the background on which we Tamils are going to be the pioneers. We invented the Katamarm. We pioneered international trade and travel. “Borderless Nation” is our contribution to the new world. So here we are set out to build a formidable team of people, whom we have not even met before. But the mission is so pure, so divine, so selfless it is succeeding. To bring all Tamils living all over the world under one ideology we have to come up with a plan. What we Tamils are going to do is to first define our mission, we call it the mission statement.
“Our mission is to encourage Tamils all over the world to come together as one community and form a synergistic social, economical and political entity that will empower every Tamil to become a great citizen with self esteem, self respect and self sufficiency”
Now that the mission is defined , we have to have a set of things to do to achieve this mission.
1.All Tamil must accept each and every Tamil as members of the same alliance, all Tamils must be united whatever difference exists in our thoughts.
2.All Tamils must educate their children at least for 15 years of education, which means a basic university degree.
3.All families must respect the sanctity of marriage and the institution of family. No one owns the family but we all belong to the family. A sense of belonging not ownership. Every family must have at least 3 children.
4.All families must have Trans generational families, that is the elders and the younger form the part of family.
5.Must own home and land free and clear of any obligations.
6.Must promote building educational institutions, Researh and development.
7.Building our own professional services such a health, legal, accounting etc.
8.Promoting business building, Business is the source of wealth and employment.
9.Earning, Saving and Investment to ensure total control over our own destiny
10.Promoting good relationship with resident government and other communities
The Sri Lankan Government acts like an insecure and inferiority complexed child, it is bent on destroying the Tamil will, freedom and peace. It looks as though some Tamils due to their naivety, innocence and sometimes due to ignorance try to destroy their own community. We don’t believe if there is any truth in it.
The insecure Sri Lankan government is doing false propaganda to divide the Tamils. But Tamil people must not succumb to such narcissistic attempts. Tamil people remain calm and resolute in the face of an unreasonable enemy.
Every Tamil was affected in some way by the misguided and foolish acts of the Singhalese people. They have been imbued into racism and fanaticism. It is our duty to help them to wean out of the self destructive behaviour.
Every Tamil has some sorrow and horror story to tell. Therefore we cannot be divided. The goal is one, the resolve must be one, but the pathways may differ. All Roads lead to one destination. Therefore there cannot be any division. The division is only bogey man created by the Sri Lankan government.
60 years of untold and untellable atrocities have united us inseparably, but of there are nay Tamils have any hope that the Singhalese will give your freedom and peace you will sadly mistaken, but if you are looking bread crumbs you are right, and if there are nay Tamil who feel alienated by our own Tamils try to understand that they may have their own faulty reasons but they will come back
Tamil culture is Trans-generational so there is no point compromising our long term stability to short term illusions. Tamil must think as a family, as group and as community. As we always say, a fish will only discover water last but it is too late. Community is the pond in which we live. It very important that we tolerate small shortcomings to look at the larger picture.
As I always say, all Tamils must unite, work hard, stay together and never ever give up. Tamils in Sri Lanka have to be optimistic and have faith in Diaspora, we are working relentlessly not only to free you but to unite 90 million Tamils worldwide to give us much better political and economical clout in world capitals.. Please rest assured that we will free you. God bless you all, we are with you.
Thank you for listening
My name is subramaniam Masilamany
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tamil future: some thoughts....!!!
Tamil future: some thoughts (October 2010)
As one of Shakespeare’s characters says, where there’s the greater (sorrow, pain, worry) other matters lose much of their importance, may even cease to be of interest: “Where the greater is fixed, the lesser is scarce[ly] felt.” The “greater” and the immediate is the situation of the Tamils. I have been asked, “Are we witnessing the death of yet another people, in this case, the Tamils? Is it the end of the history of the Tamils of Sri Lanka?” By “history” here is meant being not passive recipients of the decisions and actions of others but, instead, being active participants. It is the shaping (to some degree at least) by a people themselves of developments that relate to them. Where it’s not extinction, will the Tamils be reduced to eking an existence on the margins of what was once their ‘homeland’, such as the autochthonous elsewhere: the Aborigines of Australia, and the Native Americans?
In thinking about the present situation and future prospects of the Tamils, it is of the utmost importance that emotion (however passionate) and wishes (however deep) are kept distinct from actual, realistic, possibilities. Secondly, diaspora reaction and attitude must be separated from that of those Tamils still living in the North and East of “the Paradise Isle”. The latter have endured beyond the unendurable; are exhausted beyond exhaustion. What they wish for most is respite, “space” to re-build their lives with whatever means are available. It would be gross insensitivity to ask them, at present, to continue the struggle for equality. Nor is armed struggle an option now: the government will meet attempts at re-grouping and re-arming with the same utter ruthlessness that it has already demonstrated.
It is well to remember that, ever since independence, the Tamils tried to gain equality through democratic means, including peaceful satyagraha. These were met with state-orchestrated riots to terrorise Tamils into accepting the subordinate status assigned to them. Subsequent to (and largely because of) 1983, there was the recourse to arms. Due to various factors (not excluding mistakes and miscalculations by the Tiger leader), the Tamils are now in their worst-ever situation. Therefore, there is understandably a sense of déjà vu when talk surfaces of the same means, the same methods, that were futilely tried - repeatedly, over decades. Why should they succeed now when Sinhalese chauvinists have the Tamils at their mercy, defenceless, exhausted, anxious about the future, not knowing how to proceed?
If the Tamils have no viable, realistic, option are we, indeed, witnessing the end of Tamil history in Sri Lanka, the beginning of the death of a people? (No doubt, the very question will shock and outrage some of you.) Of course, the Tamils will continue to live, in whatever attenuated, diluted, form but will they, as a people? What is meant by “as a people”? The first prerequisite is land, territory, a space which belongs to the group, and where the wishes and ways of that group prevail, a “preserve” (sanctuary), within which the group can “preserve” its distinct cultural identity. Therefore, if occupation cannot be removed altogether, ways must be found to minimise influx and outside influence in daily life. With the influx – settlements, army camps etc – the Tamil exodus from Sri Lanka continues, as did that of the Burghers a few decades earlier: apart from territory, numbers also play an important role.
Lord Macaulay, in his address on India to the British Parliament (2 February 1835) said, “I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage”. It is only then that Indians will become what “we” want them to be: a truly dominated nation. In Sri Lanka, together with “demographic colonisation”, the cultural onslaught goes on apace in the North and East. One may remember and cite the Jews who, after over 2,000 years, returned to claim what had once been their country. But what held the Jews together, and strengthened them as a people, was their religion, the belief that they are the “Chosen” of Jehovah, and would, one day, return to ‘the Promised Land’. This religious faith sustained them through centuries of persecution and dispersal. The Tamils do not have such an inner rock of certitude. It is not only that some Tamils are Christian but Hinduism (unlike Judaism) is an inclusive religion, open to all individuals and peoples. In contrast, Judaism is exclusive and excluding. The Jews do not proselytise; indeed, they do not welcome conversion: by conceptual definition, the “Chosen” means a select, limited and privileged few. Hinduism cannot replicate the role Judaism played in Jewish history.
Among the possible parameters of time are three: the geologic, the historic and the human.
In geologic time, 500 million years is not considered exceptionally long. (Sri Lanka is thought to have finally separated from the land mass of India and became an island “only” about 7,000 years ago.)
In historic time, we can have a measure of, say, 500 years: for example, the Western domination of the world (beginning, roughly, in 1500).
In terms of human life, 50 years is a considerable chunk, may even constitute the entire life of an individual.
Viewing the Tamils at present, as things are now (emphasised) there is the acute danger that, over historic time, they may disappear altogether, through a process of assimilation: see, for example, the Ivanhoe parallel below.
Returning to the last two of the three measurements of time mentioned, the immediate (human) need is to help in healing and rebuilding – both in material and non-material terms. In relation to historic time, the effort must be to strengthen confidence, courage and determination. As Rabindranath Tagore wrote (Nationalism, 1917), the worst form of slavery arises when a people lose faith and confidence in themselves.
Among the Sinhalese, there are (a) the chauvinists and (b) the indifferent. But there are also Sinhalese who speak out, at great cost (if not risk) to themselves. As I have pointed out elsewhere, these Sinhalese are not working for the Tamils but against injustice, even as, for example, there were white South Africans who fought, not for Blacks, but against the injustice of apartheid, and some Jews today fight against the treatment of Palestinians.
There is yet another category of Sinhalese whose root chauvinism is more subtle and difficult to recognise. They deal with palliatives; in helping and doing good work but are happy to leave fundamental structures of inequality and injustice in place. They have it both ways: domination and superiority on the one hand, and the feeling (and reputation) of being kind and caring, noble (and therefore superior) human beings on the other.
As Doris Lessing wrote many years ago, it is not enough to be kind within an unkind system: the system must be changed. ‘Racism’, inequality and injustice must be removed; ethnic assumptions and beliefs changed. In short, the very nature of society must be transformed.
Ivanhoe: Tamil parallels and divergence
This novel (Walter Scott, 1819) is set in CE 1193, that is, about a century after the Battle of Hastings (1066) when the Normans conquered the Saxons and began to rule England. Of course, a major difference is that, unlike the situation of the Tamils, the invading and conquering Normans were the minority in the country; the conquered (resident, “native”) Saxons, the majority. I offer a few quotations from that novel (Wordsworth Class edition, UK, 2000).
Page 4 “... two hostile races, one of which still felt the elation of triumph, while the other groaned under all the consequences of defeat.” Power was completely in the hands of the Normans, a power that was not used moderately.
In official contexts, “Norman-French was the only language employed”. The language of the Saxons [in the present case, Tamil] was disregarded.
Page 18 Many try to hide or minimise their Saxon identity – as do some Tamils, for example, by changing their names, for example, from Rajaratnam to Rajaratne.
Page 37 If a people are held in contempt, harassed and persecuted, then it is inevitable that their character and behaviour change. This observation is made with reference to the treatment of the Jews. Struggling to survive, the Jews are quick to learn both French and Saxon (p. 90). Similarly, many Tamils now speak Sinhala fluently.
Page 52 Ironically, it was considered religious to hate, despise, rob and persecute the Jew: see the attitude of Sinhalese chauvinists to Tamils.
Page 214 Some Saxons, despairing, seek “refuge from oppression” by withdrawing to a monastery: many Tamils, seeing no hope, seek refuge in a foreign country.
Page 248 The sound of the trumpet no longer wakes the people, and they are “now but the unresisting victims of hostile and military oppression... Would to heaven that the shedding of my own blood, drop by drop, could redeem” them. No doubt, many a Tamil has the same feeling. One thinks too of Nathan Hale who, about to be executed by the British (1776), regretted that he had only one life to give for this people.
Scott wrote the novel about six hundred years after the Norman Conquest but, long before then, there were no longer Normans and Saxons in England but what we now know as “the English”. (That term, “English” itself, because of immigration from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere, seems to be giving way to “British”.) I understand there are more Chinese now in Tibet than Tibetans: What will that country be like in, say, two to three hundred years? What of Sri Lanka?
As one of Shakespeare’s characters says, where there’s the greater (sorrow, pain, worry) other matters lose much of their importance, may even cease to be of interest: “Where the greater is fixed, the lesser is scarce[ly] felt.” The “greater” and the immediate is the situation of the Tamils. I have been asked, “Are we witnessing the death of yet another people, in this case, the Tamils? Is it the end of the history of the Tamils of Sri Lanka?” By “history” here is meant being not passive recipients of the decisions and actions of others but, instead, being active participants. It is the shaping (to some degree at least) by a people themselves of developments that relate to them. Where it’s not extinction, will the Tamils be reduced to eking an existence on the margins of what was once their ‘homeland’, such as the autochthonous elsewhere: the Aborigines of Australia, and the Native Americans?
In thinking about the present situation and future prospects of the Tamils, it is of the utmost importance that emotion (however passionate) and wishes (however deep) are kept distinct from actual, realistic, possibilities. Secondly, diaspora reaction and attitude must be separated from that of those Tamils still living in the North and East of “the Paradise Isle”. The latter have endured beyond the unendurable; are exhausted beyond exhaustion. What they wish for most is respite, “space” to re-build their lives with whatever means are available. It would be gross insensitivity to ask them, at present, to continue the struggle for equality. Nor is armed struggle an option now: the government will meet attempts at re-grouping and re-arming with the same utter ruthlessness that it has already demonstrated.
It is well to remember that, ever since independence, the Tamils tried to gain equality through democratic means, including peaceful satyagraha. These were met with state-orchestrated riots to terrorise Tamils into accepting the subordinate status assigned to them. Subsequent to (and largely because of) 1983, there was the recourse to arms. Due to various factors (not excluding mistakes and miscalculations by the Tiger leader), the Tamils are now in their worst-ever situation. Therefore, there is understandably a sense of déjà vu when talk surfaces of the same means, the same methods, that were futilely tried - repeatedly, over decades. Why should they succeed now when Sinhalese chauvinists have the Tamils at their mercy, defenceless, exhausted, anxious about the future, not knowing how to proceed?
If the Tamils have no viable, realistic, option are we, indeed, witnessing the end of Tamil history in Sri Lanka, the beginning of the death of a people? (No doubt, the very question will shock and outrage some of you.) Of course, the Tamils will continue to live, in whatever attenuated, diluted, form but will they, as a people? What is meant by “as a people”? The first prerequisite is land, territory, a space which belongs to the group, and where the wishes and ways of that group prevail, a “preserve” (sanctuary), within which the group can “preserve” its distinct cultural identity. Therefore, if occupation cannot be removed altogether, ways must be found to minimise influx and outside influence in daily life. With the influx – settlements, army camps etc – the Tamil exodus from Sri Lanka continues, as did that of the Burghers a few decades earlier: apart from territory, numbers also play an important role.
Lord Macaulay, in his address on India to the British Parliament (2 February 1835) said, “I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage”. It is only then that Indians will become what “we” want them to be: a truly dominated nation. In Sri Lanka, together with “demographic colonisation”, the cultural onslaught goes on apace in the North and East. One may remember and cite the Jews who, after over 2,000 years, returned to claim what had once been their country. But what held the Jews together, and strengthened them as a people, was their religion, the belief that they are the “Chosen” of Jehovah, and would, one day, return to ‘the Promised Land’. This religious faith sustained them through centuries of persecution and dispersal. The Tamils do not have such an inner rock of certitude. It is not only that some Tamils are Christian but Hinduism (unlike Judaism) is an inclusive religion, open to all individuals and peoples. In contrast, Judaism is exclusive and excluding. The Jews do not proselytise; indeed, they do not welcome conversion: by conceptual definition, the “Chosen” means a select, limited and privileged few. Hinduism cannot replicate the role Judaism played in Jewish history.
Among the possible parameters of time are three: the geologic, the historic and the human.
In geologic time, 500 million years is not considered exceptionally long. (Sri Lanka is thought to have finally separated from the land mass of India and became an island “only” about 7,000 years ago.)
In historic time, we can have a measure of, say, 500 years: for example, the Western domination of the world (beginning, roughly, in 1500).
In terms of human life, 50 years is a considerable chunk, may even constitute the entire life of an individual.
Viewing the Tamils at present, as things are now (emphasised) there is the acute danger that, over historic time, they may disappear altogether, through a process of assimilation: see, for example, the Ivanhoe parallel below.
Returning to the last two of the three measurements of time mentioned, the immediate (human) need is to help in healing and rebuilding – both in material and non-material terms. In relation to historic time, the effort must be to strengthen confidence, courage and determination. As Rabindranath Tagore wrote (Nationalism, 1917), the worst form of slavery arises when a people lose faith and confidence in themselves.
Among the Sinhalese, there are (a) the chauvinists and (b) the indifferent. But there are also Sinhalese who speak out, at great cost (if not risk) to themselves. As I have pointed out elsewhere, these Sinhalese are not working for the Tamils but against injustice, even as, for example, there were white South Africans who fought, not for Blacks, but against the injustice of apartheid, and some Jews today fight against the treatment of Palestinians.
There is yet another category of Sinhalese whose root chauvinism is more subtle and difficult to recognise. They deal with palliatives; in helping and doing good work but are happy to leave fundamental structures of inequality and injustice in place. They have it both ways: domination and superiority on the one hand, and the feeling (and reputation) of being kind and caring, noble (and therefore superior) human beings on the other.
As Doris Lessing wrote many years ago, it is not enough to be kind within an unkind system: the system must be changed. ‘Racism’, inequality and injustice must be removed; ethnic assumptions and beliefs changed. In short, the very nature of society must be transformed.
Ivanhoe: Tamil parallels and divergence
This novel (Walter Scott, 1819) is set in CE 1193, that is, about a century after the Battle of Hastings (1066) when the Normans conquered the Saxons and began to rule England. Of course, a major difference is that, unlike the situation of the Tamils, the invading and conquering Normans were the minority in the country; the conquered (resident, “native”) Saxons, the majority. I offer a few quotations from that novel (Wordsworth Class edition, UK, 2000).
Page 4 “... two hostile races, one of which still felt the elation of triumph, while the other groaned under all the consequences of defeat.” Power was completely in the hands of the Normans, a power that was not used moderately.
In official contexts, “Norman-French was the only language employed”. The language of the Saxons [in the present case, Tamil] was disregarded.
Page 18 Many try to hide or minimise their Saxon identity – as do some Tamils, for example, by changing their names, for example, from Rajaratnam to Rajaratne.
Page 37 If a people are held in contempt, harassed and persecuted, then it is inevitable that their character and behaviour change. This observation is made with reference to the treatment of the Jews. Struggling to survive, the Jews are quick to learn both French and Saxon (p. 90). Similarly, many Tamils now speak Sinhala fluently.
Page 52 Ironically, it was considered religious to hate, despise, rob and persecute the Jew: see the attitude of Sinhalese chauvinists to Tamils.
Page 214 Some Saxons, despairing, seek “refuge from oppression” by withdrawing to a monastery: many Tamils, seeing no hope, seek refuge in a foreign country.
Page 248 The sound of the trumpet no longer wakes the people, and they are “now but the unresisting victims of hostile and military oppression... Would to heaven that the shedding of my own blood, drop by drop, could redeem” them. No doubt, many a Tamil has the same feeling. One thinks too of Nathan Hale who, about to be executed by the British (1776), regretted that he had only one life to give for this people.
Scott wrote the novel about six hundred years after the Norman Conquest but, long before then, there were no longer Normans and Saxons in England but what we now know as “the English”. (That term, “English” itself, because of immigration from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere, seems to be giving way to “British”.) I understand there are more Chinese now in Tibet than Tibetans: What will that country be like in, say, two to three hundred years? What of Sri Lanka?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Moderator wrote:
“Our mission is to encourage Tamils all over the world to come together as one community and form a synergistic social, economical and political entity that will empower every Tamil to become a great citizen with self esteem, self respect and self sufficiency”
Our immediate need is to increase the intellectual standard of Tamils worldwide. This is our plan every Tamil reads one page of a book any book every day. There are about 70 million Tamils worldwide. That is about 70 million pages and imagines the gross community intellectual improvement per day. If we continue this for 50 years we will have enough pages to reach the moon.
Folks, Sri Lanka is morally, intellectually and economically bankrupt. We will have an opportunity to take this part of South Asia and spin it into another Germany, Japan or even Europe and America.
India is on its way to its own self destruction, which is unavoidable and unstoppable. How they have made enough enemies in every possible direction is an indication that they too will be bankrupt.
Pakistan and Bengal desh are another basket case so the only bright spot are the Tamil in India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia etc. so we Tamils are in a very advantageous situation. We have to keep our community alive by undertaking unprecedented efforts to keep us astute and capable.
We living in the west must make tireless effort to improve the educational, sociological and economic standards very high. There is a great moral leadership vacuum in the world and we Tamils have to set in fill this emptiness. Don’t look upon any body to help you; they are looking for help themselves.
Then the other programme is to spend about 10 minutes per day “Thinking”. If we think and think repeatedly about our mission, goals and needs we will become prosperous. As Napoleon Hill said Think and grow rich and as Mark Allen said a man is what he is thinking all day. If we encourage our people to think on daily basis, thoughts are things with dynamism and will lead us in the right direction.
We have to fight this battle in Asia, this region is fast becoming a black hole and we have to salvage it... Every battle has to be fought and every battle has to be won and every son of bitch has to be tamed. There is nothing called surrendering or giving up, for the world is full of timid and cunning animals that live by the rule of the jungle. We are not defeating people, but we are defeating a mindset of ignorance, inferiority, primitiveness, cunningness, timidity, ignorance, indifference, stupidity, illiteracy, slavery and poverty.
When freedom, democracy, equality and fraternity are threatened for the selfish purpose, one has to wage a campaign to subdue the beasts. Alas, today man is still a primitive animal that has to be caged, tamed and trained! Until such time it can be educated to be part of a civil society it has to be disciplined to live an orderly life.
Do not believe or trust this artificially inflated world. Do not depend on the UN or Europe or USA or India or China or for that matter anyone. Just we alone have to fight this battle. It is an intellectual battle, a moral battle, it is conscience battle. We alone have to do it and that is the only way to do it. But this is not a one man job or one cannot claim that he can do the job, it is team effort. It is my job, your job and our job to get it done. When each one of succeed, we all succeed and when we all succeed each one us will succeed.
Every Tamil must “steal” a little bit of time from here and there and make available one hour per day devoted to building our great community. The concept of a one man leadership is of the past, she or he cannot do the job. Today people are looking up to governments to feed them, but the governments are bankrupt. Therefore as world class Tamils we must not depend on any government to help us. Each one of us has to take control of our lives and build a formidable fortress.
Every Tamil must become a nation unto him or herself and work out our own salvation. We all must have a plan for our life and work at it with determination. If you work sincerely you develop the mind set of a cornucopia (Amirthasurabi) and then the wealth simply flows in. relentlessly sincere work transform your mind into a source of never ending wealth.
We then encode this magic and pass it own to our coming generations. When we do that we have built a community that will be immune to all form of invasion. We will never get an opportunity like this; the community is ready for a massive transformation. This is the time, we are people so let us do it.
I succeeded twice in my life with relentless determination and perseverance. Once in my education and then in my entrepreneurship. Helping my great community to world class eminence is my next goal; I will succeed, because I know what it will take to succeed. I want to be part of this community to world-class eminence.
I humbly request every Tamil to step forward, step up to the plate and take swing at it, then you will be amazed to see what you can achieve. You are more capable than what you think you are. Try it.
I know you will succeed. I did and succeeded twice. If you fail call me.
Subramaniam Masilamany
“Our mission is to encourage Tamils all over the world to come together as one community and form a synergistic social, economical and political entity that will empower every Tamil to become a great citizen with self esteem, self respect and self sufficiency”
Our immediate need is to increase the intellectual standard of Tamils worldwide. This is our plan every Tamil reads one page of a book any book every day. There are about 70 million Tamils worldwide. That is about 70 million pages and imagines the gross community intellectual improvement per day. If we continue this for 50 years we will have enough pages to reach the moon.
Folks, Sri Lanka is morally, intellectually and economically bankrupt. We will have an opportunity to take this part of South Asia and spin it into another Germany, Japan or even Europe and America.
India is on its way to its own self destruction, which is unavoidable and unstoppable. How they have made enough enemies in every possible direction is an indication that they too will be bankrupt.
Pakistan and Bengal desh are another basket case so the only bright spot are the Tamil in India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia etc. so we Tamils are in a very advantageous situation. We have to keep our community alive by undertaking unprecedented efforts to keep us astute and capable.
We living in the west must make tireless effort to improve the educational, sociological and economic standards very high. There is a great moral leadership vacuum in the world and we Tamils have to set in fill this emptiness. Don’t look upon any body to help you; they are looking for help themselves.
Then the other programme is to spend about 10 minutes per day “Thinking”. If we think and think repeatedly about our mission, goals and needs we will become prosperous. As Napoleon Hill said Think and grow rich and as Mark Allen said a man is what he is thinking all day. If we encourage our people to think on daily basis, thoughts are things with dynamism and will lead us in the right direction.
We have to fight this battle in Asia, this region is fast becoming a black hole and we have to salvage it... Every battle has to be fought and every battle has to be won and every son of bitch has to be tamed. There is nothing called surrendering or giving up, for the world is full of timid and cunning animals that live by the rule of the jungle. We are not defeating people, but we are defeating a mindset of ignorance, inferiority, primitiveness, cunningness, timidity, ignorance, indifference, stupidity, illiteracy, slavery and poverty.
When freedom, democracy, equality and fraternity are threatened for the selfish purpose, one has to wage a campaign to subdue the beasts. Alas, today man is still a primitive animal that has to be caged, tamed and trained! Until such time it can be educated to be part of a civil society it has to be disciplined to live an orderly life.
Do not believe or trust this artificially inflated world. Do not depend on the UN or Europe or USA or India or China or for that matter anyone. Just we alone have to fight this battle. It is an intellectual battle, a moral battle, it is conscience battle. We alone have to do it and that is the only way to do it. But this is not a one man job or one cannot claim that he can do the job, it is team effort. It is my job, your job and our job to get it done. When each one of succeed, we all succeed and when we all succeed each one us will succeed.
Every Tamil must “steal” a little bit of time from here and there and make available one hour per day devoted to building our great community. The concept of a one man leadership is of the past, she or he cannot do the job. Today people are looking up to governments to feed them, but the governments are bankrupt. Therefore as world class Tamils we must not depend on any government to help us. Each one of us has to take control of our lives and build a formidable fortress.
Every Tamil must become a nation unto him or herself and work out our own salvation. We all must have a plan for our life and work at it with determination. If you work sincerely you develop the mind set of a cornucopia (Amirthasurabi) and then the wealth simply flows in. relentlessly sincere work transform your mind into a source of never ending wealth.
We then encode this magic and pass it own to our coming generations. When we do that we have built a community that will be immune to all form of invasion. We will never get an opportunity like this; the community is ready for a massive transformation. This is the time, we are people so let us do it.
I succeeded twice in my life with relentless determination and perseverance. Once in my education and then in my entrepreneurship. Helping my great community to world class eminence is my next goal; I will succeed, because I know what it will take to succeed. I want to be part of this community to world-class eminence.
I humbly request every Tamil to step forward, step up to the plate and take swing at it, then you will be amazed to see what you can achieve. You are more capable than what you think you are. Try it.
I know you will succeed. I did and succeeded twice. If you fail call me.
Subramaniam Masilamany
Friday, November 26, 2010
Fra: Moderator (
Sendt: 26. november 2010 13:35:05
Til: Massey Subra (
“Our anger with Singhalese has gone but melancholy has set in, is there any way we can help the Singhalese to become world class people?”
In Sri Lanka, The Singhalese wanted to destroy the Tamil’s Will, Hope and Determination; and the monuments erected to the freedom fighters. What a way to manage ones life! If any Singhalese has any sense of being he will stand up and say what we are trying to destroy are natural characters of the universe. I hope we have some Singhalese scholar who can understand my saying.
Will, Hope, Determination are God given means to life. If you take away those features you are characterless. Will, Hope and Determination and monuments to the dead define our lives. You will not survive too long. When I call Singhalese barbarians there is a grain of truth. Will they ever change their mode of living? When I read the pompous remarks about Mahinda Rajapaksa and his achievements my heart bleeds for here are people who have no character praising a man who has no character. Our anger with Singhalese has gone but melancholy has set in, is there any way we can help the Singhalese to become world class people?
This man killed people and then killed them again by destroying the monument erected to the fallen heroes. No Tamil should tolerate or sit back and say what can I do? There are so many things we can do. First thing we have to do is help people to remove Injustice, ignorance and inferiority from the mind of the people.
In Sri Lanka, we have lot of work to do to help the Singhalese to understand that if they continue this path their destruction is not too far away, it is not my prophecy it is the universal truth what goes around comes around and or the immutable law of retribution, you get exactly equal to what you put in.
And to those writers, speakers and bloggers who think “might is right” and the “winner is the champion of change” will soon find that mother nature will deal a blow and they will be the first to blame god, not knowing that he or she was the maker of their own fate.
I always wondered why god was so unfair in putting me at a different plateau so that I do not know even how to do bad thoughts and deeds; I wished God was an equal distributor of conscience.
Some people ask me how comes you have no fear? they are wrong, I have fear, but no fear when I see Injustice and ignorance. When you commit to fearless truthfulness there is no force to hold you back. Fearless truthfulness is an invincible weapon in my armoury.
In the mean time Tamils must remain resolute and reassured that injustice does not have any moral foundation. It is test of time and we will rise up to up hold universal justice and freedom.
By the way there is something Martin Luther King said, I read this morning I want to share it with you
Cowardice asks the question, Is it safe?
Expediency asks the question, Is it popular?
Conscience asks the question, Is it right?
There comes a time in our life when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right.
That time is NOW
Subramaniam Masilamany
Sendt: 26. november 2010 13:35:05
Til: Massey Subra (
“Our anger with Singhalese has gone but melancholy has set in, is there any way we can help the Singhalese to become world class people?”
In Sri Lanka, The Singhalese wanted to destroy the Tamil’s Will, Hope and Determination; and the monuments erected to the freedom fighters. What a way to manage ones life! If any Singhalese has any sense of being he will stand up and say what we are trying to destroy are natural characters of the universe. I hope we have some Singhalese scholar who can understand my saying.
Will, Hope, Determination are God given means to life. If you take away those features you are characterless. Will, Hope and Determination and monuments to the dead define our lives. You will not survive too long. When I call Singhalese barbarians there is a grain of truth. Will they ever change their mode of living? When I read the pompous remarks about Mahinda Rajapaksa and his achievements my heart bleeds for here are people who have no character praising a man who has no character. Our anger with Singhalese has gone but melancholy has set in, is there any way we can help the Singhalese to become world class people?
This man killed people and then killed them again by destroying the monument erected to the fallen heroes. No Tamil should tolerate or sit back and say what can I do? There are so many things we can do. First thing we have to do is help people to remove Injustice, ignorance and inferiority from the mind of the people.
In Sri Lanka, we have lot of work to do to help the Singhalese to understand that if they continue this path their destruction is not too far away, it is not my prophecy it is the universal truth what goes around comes around and or the immutable law of retribution, you get exactly equal to what you put in.
And to those writers, speakers and bloggers who think “might is right” and the “winner is the champion of change” will soon find that mother nature will deal a blow and they will be the first to blame god, not knowing that he or she was the maker of their own fate.
I always wondered why god was so unfair in putting me at a different plateau so that I do not know even how to do bad thoughts and deeds; I wished God was an equal distributor of conscience.
Some people ask me how comes you have no fear? they are wrong, I have fear, but no fear when I see Injustice and ignorance. When you commit to fearless truthfulness there is no force to hold you back. Fearless truthfulness is an invincible weapon in my armoury.
In the mean time Tamils must remain resolute and reassured that injustice does not have any moral foundation. It is test of time and we will rise up to up hold universal justice and freedom.
By the way there is something Martin Luther King said, I read this morning I want to share it with you
Cowardice asks the question, Is it safe?
Expediency asks the question, Is it popular?
Conscience asks the question, Is it right?
There comes a time in our life when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right.
That time is NOW
Subramaniam Masilamany
Friday, November 12, 2010
I have CA $ 5000 ready for you but you must guarantee that money will be repaid into a fund that can be lent to another needy family, but not to me.! Moderator to Massey
Thamby Rajan,
Let me explain something and then I will make my offer. In the year 1977, I left Sri Lanka, landed in Paris France. For three days I slept on the streets. No food, no language,no money.
On the third day an elderly lady asked me if I would come and work her. I did not ask her what job it is, how much money it will pay. I wanted something to eat and sleep. On the first day she paid me 20 francs and of course food. One week later she got me job as a house servant in rich family.
I worked 16 hours a day as a house boy cleaning, cooking, baby sitting, dog walking etc.For two years I did that. Then I came to Canada. started better as a security guard. Then I was hired in a small factory to clean and fill chemicals. I worked so hard, Dr. McSorley, my boss told me that I told him a lie and he further said you must be much more qualified than what you told me. I told him sir. I needed job, any job, so I lied. He said, oh no no, that is okay, but can you be by lead hand? I sure why not. Then 6 months later the foreman left, I became the foreman, then one year later, the chemist left I became the chemist, then Dr McSorley left, the other partner asked if I could run the manufacturing department. I did well. then the Old man wanted to retire so he asked me to buy the business. I did not have the money so he sold it some one else. That some one else didn't like me, so I quit and started my own business. That was 30 years ago.
Read this part carefully, I borrowed money from the bank to buy a home, buy a car, start a business. I paid them all. Think what would have happened if the bank just gave the money to be as welfare or gift or aid or hand out to me. I would not have developed any respect for money, others most important to myself. Today my people may be struggling, I understand that I am willing to help. But look at the Palestinians, a welfare nation. How did that happen? Easy money.
Please do a great favour to us, whatever money you give must be a loan, may be forgivable if unforeseen disaster strikes. Okay to give it today, but it must be repaid. If you don't do that they will keep asking, we will keep giving.
I drive 1993 Honda accord, which my mechanic says he does not want to repair any more. I have a cell phone 15 years old, I wear clothes discarded by one sons, I sleep on a mat, In the morning to beat the traffic I have to leave home before 5.59am. Then I come, work like hell, when I am writing this email the time is 6.32 pm. How many hours have gone? 12 hours, work is not finished, I won't go home till 9.00pm, that is almost 16 hours. double shift.
Don't I have family? Yes I do, but I don't have family because I have to make enough money to pay the bills. Now who needs help here. I am 67 years old but I still put in 16 hours per day, 7 days per week, 3651/4 days.
I suggest you a great idea, come and work with me, I will pay you $100 per day, in a week $700. in one year 36500 dollars.Then see if you will throw away money in the black hole.
36500 dollars is 3650000 rupees give or take a few thousand.
I am not against helping my people, giving free money is no help it is just the opposite they will never come out of this black hole. You may call me a new American imperialist but if you see the number of hours we put in we are the people who give people hope, encouragement, self esteem and self respect.
I have every means to live in a mansion, buy a Benz, dress like Casanova, and throw away parties, but if you come to my home every thing is measured, we don't open the water tap wide, we don't boil water more than what is needed. We buy where things are cheap, we use coupons, pick pennies from parking lots. Then why would I and other like me throw money into black Hole.
I have never been to Sri Lanka, I will never go into a country that made me a refugee. No man with self respect, self esteem step into a country that treated him like garbage.
Again I reiterate, I have $5000 dollars ready for you but you must guarantee that money will be repaid into a fund that can be lent to another needy family, but not to me. I told this to TNA and I have not heard from them. They are our legally elected representatives. If they charge their lunch to my sweat and blood account then there is something fundamentally wrong.
Therefore Thamby, find some one who can manage money, I will get millionaires and billionaire to come to the rescue of our people, your people my people.Things may be bad, but this is the only way to make it better. My concvictions and my conscience tell me that I must genuinely help my people to come out of this dungeon they are locked into.
No harm intended, if I am wrong please let me know
Subramaniam Masilamany
Dear All,
Please see the attachment,and forward it any body who could assist us in this project to help the affected people.
We can connect you direct to the affected families, until some body register and start. 15 months have past
since the war was over but we haven't done much to help these people,please see the attachment below its only a sample
of many people's situation there.We are working with NGO registered in north&east.we have got the details of
nearly 1000 families collected from very reliable sources,which we can give it to anybody to contact them directly,and help them.
if need further information,please contact me on 0208 424 9297
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby{5CEA1CFA-286A-4CBE-854E-143FEF939E3F{D4398F6D-2D4C-4282-81E6-87C40C68F40A{5C75226A-2DEF-437E-91F5-90E96624DA44}{1A35FFF2-045B-4EF0-8AB7-AA81BFF6B40E}
Thamby Rajan,
Let me explain something and then I will make my offer. In the year 1977, I left Sri Lanka, landed in Paris France. For three days I slept on the streets. No food, no language,no money.
On the third day an elderly lady asked me if I would come and work her. I did not ask her what job it is, how much money it will pay. I wanted something to eat and sleep. On the first day she paid me 20 francs and of course food. One week later she got me job as a house servant in rich family.
I worked 16 hours a day as a house boy cleaning, cooking, baby sitting, dog walking etc.For two years I did that. Then I came to Canada. started better as a security guard. Then I was hired in a small factory to clean and fill chemicals. I worked so hard, Dr. McSorley, my boss told me that I told him a lie and he further said you must be much more qualified than what you told me. I told him sir. I needed job, any job, so I lied. He said, oh no no, that is okay, but can you be by lead hand? I sure why not. Then 6 months later the foreman left, I became the foreman, then one year later, the chemist left I became the chemist, then Dr McSorley left, the other partner asked if I could run the manufacturing department. I did well. then the Old man wanted to retire so he asked me to buy the business. I did not have the money so he sold it some one else. That some one else didn't like me, so I quit and started my own business. That was 30 years ago.
Read this part carefully, I borrowed money from the bank to buy a home, buy a car, start a business. I paid them all. Think what would have happened if the bank just gave the money to be as welfare or gift or aid or hand out to me. I would not have developed any respect for money, others most important to myself. Today my people may be struggling, I understand that I am willing to help. But look at the Palestinians, a welfare nation. How did that happen? Easy money.
Please do a great favour to us, whatever money you give must be a loan, may be forgivable if unforeseen disaster strikes. Okay to give it today, but it must be repaid. If you don't do that they will keep asking, we will keep giving.
I drive 1993 Honda accord, which my mechanic says he does not want to repair any more. I have a cell phone 15 years old, I wear clothes discarded by one sons, I sleep on a mat, In the morning to beat the traffic I have to leave home before 5.59am. Then I come, work like hell, when I am writing this email the time is 6.32 pm. How many hours have gone? 12 hours, work is not finished, I won't go home till 9.00pm, that is almost 16 hours. double shift.
Don't I have family? Yes I do, but I don't have family because I have to make enough money to pay the bills. Now who needs help here. I am 67 years old but I still put in 16 hours per day, 7 days per week, 3651/4 days.
I suggest you a great idea, come and work with me, I will pay you $100 per day, in a week $700. in one year 36500 dollars.Then see if you will throw away money in the black hole.
36500 dollars is 3650000 rupees give or take a few thousand.
I am not against helping my people, giving free money is no help it is just the opposite they will never come out of this black hole. You may call me a new American imperialist but if you see the number of hours we put in we are the people who give people hope, encouragement, self esteem and self respect.
I have every means to live in a mansion, buy a Benz, dress like Casanova, and throw away parties, but if you come to my home every thing is measured, we don't open the water tap wide, we don't boil water more than what is needed. We buy where things are cheap, we use coupons, pick pennies from parking lots. Then why would I and other like me throw money into black Hole.
I have never been to Sri Lanka, I will never go into a country that made me a refugee. No man with self respect, self esteem step into a country that treated him like garbage.
Again I reiterate, I have $5000 dollars ready for you but you must guarantee that money will be repaid into a fund that can be lent to another needy family, but not to me. I told this to TNA and I have not heard from them. They are our legally elected representatives. If they charge their lunch to my sweat and blood account then there is something fundamentally wrong.
Therefore Thamby, find some one who can manage money, I will get millionaires and billionaire to come to the rescue of our people, your people my people.Things may be bad, but this is the only way to make it better. My concvictions and my conscience tell me that I must genuinely help my people to come out of this dungeon they are locked into.
No harm intended, if I am wrong please let me know
Subramaniam Masilamany
Dear All,
Please see the attachment,and forward it any body who could assist us in this project to help the affected people.
We can connect you direct to the affected families, until some body register and start. 15 months have past
since the war was over but we haven't done much to help these people,please see the attachment below its only a sample
of many people's situation there.We are working with NGO registered in north&east.we have got the details of
nearly 1000 families collected from very reliable sources,which we can give it to anybody to contact them directly,and help them.
if need further information,please contact me on 0208 424 9297
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby
Show Rajendra Vinasithamby{5CEA1CFA-286A-4CBE-854E-143FEF939E3F{D4398F6D-2D4C-4282-81E6-87C40C68F40A{5C75226A-2DEF-437E-91F5-90E96624DA44}{1A35FFF2-045B-4EF0-8AB7-AA81BFF6B40E}
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tamil people must bite their tongue, work hard, stay united and never ever give up.!!!
| Moderator to Massey
Here is another example of a Tamil who accepted a low form of living. We in North America quit our jobs over disagreements when some one compromises his or her conscience.
we cannot blame her for she is one of those people who will compromise her modesty and community for survival. She is compromising her children's future for her own selfish purpose. There are very many Tamils doing this. But can injustice continue like this. No.
The problems with Tamils are very behave like second class subjects. That has to change. To feed oneself is not that difficult but to some people, selling out the community is an easy way to make living. Call me anything, but she will take to the oldest profession if the needs arise along with her mother and daughter.
let these people be an encouragement than discouragement. Don't worry she will be first one jump ship when it hits the rock.
This woman was nowhere close to the battle front, but she talks as though she was at the battle, but folks every second another Imalda is born some where. We have learn to live with them.
We need more Tamils participate in our campaign, please do what you think is the right thing do in your own way.
But the Tamil people must bite their tongue, work hard, stay united and never ever give up.
Here is another example of a Tamil who accepted a low form of living. We in North America quit our jobs over disagreements when some one compromises his or her conscience.
we cannot blame her for she is one of those people who will compromise her modesty and community for survival. She is compromising her children's future for her own selfish purpose. There are very many Tamils doing this. But can injustice continue like this. No.
The problems with Tamils are very behave like second class subjects. That has to change. To feed oneself is not that difficult but to some people, selling out the community is an easy way to make living. Call me anything, but she will take to the oldest profession if the needs arise along with her mother and daughter.
let these people be an encouragement than discouragement. Don't worry she will be first one jump ship when it hits the rock.
This woman was nowhere close to the battle front, but she talks as though she was at the battle, but folks every second another Imalda is born some where. We have learn to live with them.
We need more Tamils participate in our campaign, please do what you think is the right thing do in your own way.
But the Tamil people must bite their tongue, work hard, stay united and never ever give up.
Monday, November 8, 2010
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Good day ,Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Subramaniam Masilamany, I am a Tamil, today my Subject is..
"We Tamils are on a way to recovering our freedom which we lost due to our carelessness” Subramaniam Masilamany Tamils must stop asking the Singhalese for their rights and freedom. Don’t beg them for they are beggars, don’t beg Mahinda Rajapaksa for he is a beggar too. Tamils must stop behaving like second class citizens. The problem with Tamils is their hallucination that the Singhalese have power and economic means. “The basic flaw in the Tamil movement is that we expect the Singhalese to give us our freedom, which we already we have and which they don’t have, it is our deficient mentality that gives power to the Singhalese” TNA, TGTE and other organizations that are claiming to be owners and guardians of Tamils worldwide telling us they are here to help us, but they are looking for help from us. I do not know who needs help here. What people need is a means to freedom. If TGTE makes the same mistakes LTTE made they are bound to fail. If they don’t reach out to the Tamil masses and incorporate them in the struggle they will never succeed. I am always fascinated by the plight of the Palestinians. They are welfare recipients from various nations to just live, eat, sleep and breed. If any one of them is smart they will start cottage industries and work themselves out of their misery. But they are given easy money so they are political pawns of the Middle East chess board. If we also give money to our Tamils in Sri Lanka we are creating another Palestine. For the last 25 years billions of hard earned Tamil money has found way into the black hole in Indian Ocean. One TNA MP wanted money to help people, I gave and then I asked him if I give a small amount of $5000 to be lent as repayable loan to people I have not heard from him. I hope you get the message. This is the fundamental problem in Sri Lanka. Both Singhalese and Tamils are living off the blood and sweat of the world. When we came as pennyless in 1980, the banks gave us loans to start a business, buy a home, buy an automobile, a credit card etc. We used that facility to build a business, to make money, send the kids to university, pay off the home, car and the credit cards and now the same banks pay us interest on the money we have earned with their money. This is what we need in our homeland. Where are the Singhalese and Mahinda Rajapaksa in this picture? Don’t beg them, they are beggars, don’t beg him, he is a beggar too. TNA and TGTE must embark on mission to stop this welfare mentality. TNA and TGTE must stop dealing with the Singhalese government. What we need for Tamils is an economic model as practiced in Europe and America. The basic concept of Europe and America are to stimulate the creative side of the human mind to exercise their freedom through creative channels to self sufficiency and surplus. TNA must stop begging from the beggars who are begging all over the world. Don’t ask anything from Singhalese, in fact they want to steal from us, so might as well give it them. It is our deficient mentality that keeps us running to them, they don’t have it to give it to you. It is an illusion that we habour in our minds. Let me ask Sampanthan where does your pay cheque come from, my little son told me when you don’t have money go to the ATM machine. But Sampanthan is no little boy. That is what we are creating in Sri Lanka among Tamils, Singhalese are already done with it.. Sri Lanka was never a self respecting self dependent sovereign nation. It has been and always be a bowl holding pan handling nation. When gene pool from sheiks, sailors and soldier adulterate the pedigree what else other than Mahindas and Mervins can you expect? Sri Lanka government is looking for hand outs, grants, aids and loans. Nothing beyond. Tamil National Alliance is also asking for money from Tamil Diaspora. I saw an expense list of TNA, they have charged their lunch on the expense account, but you are paid by the government for your work. So it is ignorance. Now, what is the difference between a beggar and TNA? Every day the list gets bigger, therefore here is my offer to any one wants money from me, Come to my work place, I have plenty of work, I will pay you $100.00 per day for working with us, in one week you will have 700 dollars and in one year you will have $36500, I work 16 hours per day, 7 days per week, that means you can make $73000. ng. If every Tamil works like this, we don’t need this Singhalese , in fact they will come begging, in fact they are already doing it while some a plundering from Tamils. If every Tamil does what I said above, the Singhalese will change their names, Mahinda Rajapaksa will become Mahendran Rajapaksam, Singhalese will become Singhalam, Sri Lanka will become Tamilagam. Did you get the message?. Instead of telling the Singhalese this is what they have to do, you go begging the beggars. No decent Singhalese who has something to lose will go to war and plunder a people. It is the fault of the Tamil who live in artificial perception and flamboyant talking for they do not know that a man living on borrowed plumes looks better than a guy in loin cloth, but deep inside he is bankrupt. Sri Lanka is bankrupt and the politicians are bank-corrupt. If Mahinda is street smart we are street wise. Getting Freedom for Tamils is easy, if only we change our mindset and perception.Tamils must become prosperous like Germany, Japan, Korea, Sweden and Canada. All Tamils have to do is to get up at 4.00am like I do and work till you make a profit. When you do that your freedom will be given in gold platter. TNA and TGTE please do not destroy our creative capacity, do go out on a wild goose chase and Diaspora do not give money except for investment. This is my plan for my people. There are several thousand Tamil do it every day, that is why you see them owning prime real estate in world class cities. My heart goes to the Singhalese people who were doctrine into Racism, fanaticism, barbarianism and soon it will be no surprise if they are lead into cannibalism. Singhalese people must join the Tamil in making their life better. From 15 the century till end of 19th century you lived like coolies, then from 1950-2010 lived like fanatics, next 500 years will be Chinese, Indians and who else. It is time for you think and think again. If the Tamils have to live with Singhalese we have to break the backbone of the fanatic establishment called Mahasangha and the Mahanayakes who have formulated a plan call mahavamsa. Tamils are fighting a numerically superior enemy powered by China, India, Iran, Pakistan to implement the plans of Mahavamsa. I may not be accurate in what I say, but the problem of Tamils have to be solved. I have to make mistakes to learn so that the subject becomes crystal clear in my mind. Until such time, we Tamils must work hard stay united and never ever give up. Thank you very muchMy name is Subramaniam masilamany, A Worldclass Tamil powered by Convictions, Commitments and Conscience
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Good day ,Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Subramaniam Masilamany, I am a Tamil, today my Subject is..
"We Tamils are on a way to recovering our freedom which we lost due to our carelessness” Subramaniam Masilamany Tamils must stop asking the Singhalese for their rights and freedom. Don’t beg them for they are beggars, don’t beg Mahinda Rajapaksa for he is a beggar too. Tamils must stop behaving like second class citizens. The problem with Tamils is their hallucination that the Singhalese have power and economic means. “The basic flaw in the Tamil movement is that we expect the Singhalese to give us our freedom, which we already we have and which they don’t have, it is our deficient mentality that gives power to the Singhalese” TNA, TGTE and other organizations that are claiming to be owners and guardians of Tamils worldwide telling us they are here to help us, but they are looking for help from us. I do not know who needs help here. What people need is a means to freedom. If TGTE makes the same mistakes LTTE made they are bound to fail. If they don’t reach out to the Tamil masses and incorporate them in the struggle they will never succeed. I am always fascinated by the plight of the Palestinians. They are welfare recipients from various nations to just live, eat, sleep and breed. If any one of them is smart they will start cottage industries and work themselves out of their misery. But they are given easy money so they are political pawns of the Middle East chess board. If we also give money to our Tamils in Sri Lanka we are creating another Palestine. For the last 25 years billions of hard earned Tamil money has found way into the black hole in Indian Ocean. One TNA MP wanted money to help people, I gave and then I asked him if I give a small amount of $5000 to be lent as repayable loan to people I have not heard from him. I hope you get the message. This is the fundamental problem in Sri Lanka. Both Singhalese and Tamils are living off the blood and sweat of the world. When we came as pennyless in 1980, the banks gave us loans to start a business, buy a home, buy an automobile, a credit card etc. We used that facility to build a business, to make money, send the kids to university, pay off the home, car and the credit cards and now the same banks pay us interest on the money we have earned with their money. This is what we need in our homeland. Where are the Singhalese and Mahinda Rajapaksa in this picture? Don’t beg them, they are beggars, don’t beg him, he is a beggar too. TNA and TGTE must embark on mission to stop this welfare mentality. TNA and TGTE must stop dealing with the Singhalese government. What we need for Tamils is an economic model as practiced in Europe and America. The basic concept of Europe and America are to stimulate the creative side of the human mind to exercise their freedom through creative channels to self sufficiency and surplus. TNA must stop begging from the beggars who are begging all over the world. Don’t ask anything from Singhalese, in fact they want to steal from us, so might as well give it them. It is our deficient mentality that keeps us running to them, they don’t have it to give it to you. It is an illusion that we habour in our minds. Let me ask Sampanthan where does your pay cheque come from, my little son told me when you don’t have money go to the ATM machine. But Sampanthan is no little boy. That is what we are creating in Sri Lanka among Tamils, Singhalese are already done with it.. Sri Lanka was never a self respecting self dependent sovereign nation. It has been and always be a bowl holding pan handling nation. When gene pool from sheiks, sailors and soldier adulterate the pedigree what else other than Mahindas and Mervins can you expect? Sri Lanka government is looking for hand outs, grants, aids and loans. Nothing beyond. Tamil National Alliance is also asking for money from Tamil Diaspora. I saw an expense list of TNA, they have charged their lunch on the expense account, but you are paid by the government for your work. So it is ignorance. Now, what is the difference between a beggar and TNA? Every day the list gets bigger, therefore here is my offer to any one wants money from me, Come to my work place, I have plenty of work, I will pay you $100.00 per day for working with us, in one week you will have 700 dollars and in one year you will have $36500, I work 16 hours per day, 7 days per week, that means you can make $73000. ng. If every Tamil works like this, we don’t need this Singhalese , in fact they will come begging, in fact they are already doing it while some a plundering from Tamils. If every Tamil does what I said above, the Singhalese will change their names, Mahinda Rajapaksa will become Mahendran Rajapaksam, Singhalese will become Singhalam, Sri Lanka will become Tamilagam. Did you get the message?. Instead of telling the Singhalese this is what they have to do, you go begging the beggars. No decent Singhalese who has something to lose will go to war and plunder a people. It is the fault of the Tamil who live in artificial perception and flamboyant talking for they do not know that a man living on borrowed plumes looks better than a guy in loin cloth, but deep inside he is bankrupt. Sri Lanka is bankrupt and the politicians are bank-corrupt. If Mahinda is street smart we are street wise. Getting Freedom for Tamils is easy, if only we change our mindset and perception.Tamils must become prosperous like Germany, Japan, Korea, Sweden and Canada. All Tamils have to do is to get up at 4.00am like I do and work till you make a profit. When you do that your freedom will be given in gold platter. TNA and TGTE please do not destroy our creative capacity, do go out on a wild goose chase and Diaspora do not give money except for investment. This is my plan for my people. There are several thousand Tamil do it every day, that is why you see them owning prime real estate in world class cities. My heart goes to the Singhalese people who were doctrine into Racism, fanaticism, barbarianism and soon it will be no surprise if they are lead into cannibalism. Singhalese people must join the Tamil in making their life better. From 15 the century till end of 19th century you lived like coolies, then from 1950-2010 lived like fanatics, next 500 years will be Chinese, Indians and who else. It is time for you think and think again. If the Tamils have to live with Singhalese we have to break the backbone of the fanatic establishment called Mahasangha and the Mahanayakes who have formulated a plan call mahavamsa. Tamils are fighting a numerically superior enemy powered by China, India, Iran, Pakistan to implement the plans of Mahavamsa. I may not be accurate in what I say, but the problem of Tamils have to be solved. I have to make mistakes to learn so that the subject becomes crystal clear in my mind. Until such time, we Tamils must work hard stay united and never ever give up. Thank you very muchMy name is Subramaniam masilamany, A Worldclass Tamil powered by Convictions, Commitments and Conscience
Friday, November 5, 2010
Let me make it very clear at the very outset about what I mean by creating wealth. It does not mean that how individuals manipulate, accumulate or rearrange already existing wealth for their own benefit. Quite the contrary, I mean how individuals can take the naturally available raw resources and convert them into new wealth, for the benefit of all citizens of the society. Everything is free except we add labour.
Money, the common denominator, is the total value of the all exiting wealth. Printing money without corresponding production will only lead to higher prices. More money chasing after fewer goods is called inflation and sometimes galloping inflation
Tamils must direct their energy towards this production side of the economy. Nothing happens, except inflation, till the farmer and the factories pick up their tools and create something tangible. The Sri Lankan problem is rooted in this inability of the Singhalese to see this. They think the Tamils are taking away their livelihood. With so much of natural resources, fantastic climatic and weather conditions and the vast resources of the Indian Ocean if they cannot formulate a national economic policy to provide decent standard of living to the Singhalese there is nothing the Tamils can do about it.
The Tamils understood the global nature of the world took advantage, moved out and spread all over the world where there is conducive environment for their creativity. Instead of following their initiative the Singhalese are bent on destroying Tamil will and determination. We feel sorry for them. Singhalese are trying to defy the natural laws. They will never succeed.
There is something else Singhalese can learn from Tamils too, the importance of family and its trans-generational structure. Japanese, Germans and Koreans are very strong in the family integrity so are the Tamils. No man can excel without a family. As we say in America behind every successful man there is very capable woman, it simply means a family. I run a successful tiny corporation, its secret is the support of my family and stability of the families of my associates. Can you relate to it? There is also another message for the Singhalese, stop messing with the Tamils; they are your best national asset. An intelligent and wise nation and leaders will preserve and foster them, but what you are doing is trying to destroy it. You will only destroy your self. Guaranteed. The Europeans and Americans are very wise in that they took the Tamils and have given them all facilities to create wealth.
Racism, Fanaticism and Barbarism has no place in any society, then why do the Singhalese foster and propagate it? However much we tell them it does not seep into their head. You have created 20 million people who are backward thinking. These people are now doing menial jobs in Middle East and servant’s jobs in the tourist industry while the Tamil are running governments, corporations and enterprises world over. Some one has to think.
Stealing from Tamils will only feed you a day, but if they can learn from Tamils and follow the saying of Confucius, “Give a man a fish, you will feed him for a day, but teach him to fish he will feed all his life. It is the same china man who is giving arms to kill innocent Tamils. Has the Chinese gone bonkers? Barbarism and Buccaneering has to stop or will be stopped.
What the Singhalese must understand is that burning and vandalizing ones educational institution is no way to raise the intellectual standard of your own Singhalese. Only an uncivilized barbarian will not know the value of the education, experience, enlightenment and wisdom. When the head of the nation does not condemn such acts he is either part of it or he is proliferating it. All flow of events indicating his connivance in such nefarious and narcissistic activities.
No nation can hope to proper under state sponsored narcissism and terrorism. These events are a clear indication why Tamil do not want to live with the Singhalese. Nowhere in the history there is any evidence of invading army destroying the sites of learning. When I called them barbarian some people objected to my categorization.
Now the world of people can see the difference between the two races, one is industrious and creative and other is indolent and destructive. The world has a responsibility to weed this kind of narcissism at its sprouting stages otherwise this may become a standard for rogue nations.
Subramaniam Masilamany Moderator to Massey
Let me make it very clear at the very outset about what I mean by creating wealth. It does not mean that how individuals manipulate, accumulate or rearrange already existing wealth for their own benefit. Quite the contrary, I mean how individuals can take the naturally available raw resources and convert them into new wealth, for the benefit of all citizens of the society. Everything is free except we add labour.
Money, the common denominator, is the total value of the all exiting wealth. Printing money without corresponding production will only lead to higher prices. More money chasing after fewer goods is called inflation and sometimes galloping inflation
Tamils must direct their energy towards this production side of the economy. Nothing happens, except inflation, till the farmer and the factories pick up their tools and create something tangible. The Sri Lankan problem is rooted in this inability of the Singhalese to see this. They think the Tamils are taking away their livelihood. With so much of natural resources, fantastic climatic and weather conditions and the vast resources of the Indian Ocean if they cannot formulate a national economic policy to provide decent standard of living to the Singhalese there is nothing the Tamils can do about it.
The Tamils understood the global nature of the world took advantage, moved out and spread all over the world where there is conducive environment for their creativity. Instead of following their initiative the Singhalese are bent on destroying Tamil will and determination. We feel sorry for them. Singhalese are trying to defy the natural laws. They will never succeed.
There is something else Singhalese can learn from Tamils too, the importance of family and its trans-generational structure. Japanese, Germans and Koreans are very strong in the family integrity so are the Tamils. No man can excel without a family. As we say in America behind every successful man there is very capable woman, it simply means a family. I run a successful tiny corporation, its secret is the support of my family and stability of the families of my associates. Can you relate to it? There is also another message for the Singhalese, stop messing with the Tamils; they are your best national asset. An intelligent and wise nation and leaders will preserve and foster them, but what you are doing is trying to destroy it. You will only destroy your self. Guaranteed. The Europeans and Americans are very wise in that they took the Tamils and have given them all facilities to create wealth.
Racism, Fanaticism and Barbarism has no place in any society, then why do the Singhalese foster and propagate it? However much we tell them it does not seep into their head. You have created 20 million people who are backward thinking. These people are now doing menial jobs in Middle East and servant’s jobs in the tourist industry while the Tamil are running governments, corporations and enterprises world over. Some one has to think.
Stealing from Tamils will only feed you a day, but if they can learn from Tamils and follow the saying of Confucius, “Give a man a fish, you will feed him for a day, but teach him to fish he will feed all his life. It is the same china man who is giving arms to kill innocent Tamils. Has the Chinese gone bonkers? Barbarism and Buccaneering has to stop or will be stopped.
What the Singhalese must understand is that burning and vandalizing ones educational institution is no way to raise the intellectual standard of your own Singhalese. Only an uncivilized barbarian will not know the value of the education, experience, enlightenment and wisdom. When the head of the nation does not condemn such acts he is either part of it or he is proliferating it. All flow of events indicating his connivance in such nefarious and narcissistic activities.
No nation can hope to proper under state sponsored narcissism and terrorism. These events are a clear indication why Tamil do not want to live with the Singhalese. Nowhere in the history there is any evidence of invading army destroying the sites of learning. When I called them barbarian some people objected to my categorization.
Now the world of people can see the difference between the two races, one is industrious and creative and other is indolent and destructive. The world has a responsibility to weed this kind of narcissism at its sprouting stages otherwise this may become a standard for rogue nations.
Subramaniam Masilamany
Monday, November 1, 2010
If the Tamil community is surging well in the international forum it is because of its inherent cultural features..!!!
| Moderator
The biggest challenge to a wise is to find a medium to communicate with an ignorant’
Subramaniam Masilamany
If the Tamil community is surging well in the international forum it is because of its inherent cultural features. May be Sri Lanka is too small a domain to accommodate such a vibrant and sometime positively virulent community based in and grounded on natural lawsWhat happened in Sri Lanka in 2009 was sad in some ways and good in very many ways. How did this community re-establish world wide by itself, while Sri Lanka is catering to Middle East maid service and room service to visiting tourists. I have no sympathy for Singhalese for they cannot catch the wave and surge with it. Tamils responded well, they did not react. Last two weeks I was in Europe to feel the pulse of the modern Tamil community. It is very heart warming. The Singhalese denied us the basic necessity of any civil society, which is education; we came out of the country and are surging beyond belief. There is no substitute for truth, honesty and determination. Barbarism and bribery are no substitutes. I met several young professionals and there was one particular Tamil who caught my attention. His name is English, he looks Caucasian, he is a surgeon in one of the famous hospitals in London, he is married to another English surgeon and he told me why are the Tamils giving up their cultural heritage and the cultural linkage? A very profound statement. There were a few Caucasian girls dressed in our traditional saree. There must be something magic and mystic in this culture. I am not only lucky but proud to be a Tamil. These young professionals serve as an inspiration to rest of the Tamils who did not get the opportunity to learn English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Most of the first generation is working two to three jobs but the children are in the universities doing extremely well. This must serve as a lesson to Singhalese that you cannot bring down a man but you can climb up to his stature. All they did was to bring them down. For sixty years you tried to subjugate us in very many ways but now you have changed your tune due to international pressure. We will keep up the pressure. Unfortunately you cannot export barbarism worldwide to intimidate Tamils.Thutta (Bad behaviour) Gemunu was the cause of your decline for the last 2500 years, though there were eminent Singhalese kings who did civic improvements all you people remembered was Thutta (Bad behaviour) Gemunu! Now who have you made your national hero? Mahinda Rajapaksa, go back into his early boy hood and find out about him. So there you are next 2500 years of decline. Why is that the Singhalese have proved them to be barbaric? What is the world wide view of Singhalese? Uncivilized barbaric people. Who revived the old barbaric behaviour of Thutta Gemunu? Mahinda Rajapaksa. Don’t tell the world Mahinda Rajapaksa is clean decent moral man. If Jinadasa alias Yakkadaya the serial killer and Mervyn Silva the man behind several crimes are Mahinda's idols what will Mahinda become? This paragraph was meant to my Tamil friends who stand with their faces at the feet of Mahinda Rajapaksa for bread crumbs.These are the people who cannot make it in the western world. As we say in Canada, “You cannot simply fail in Canada”. But still there are few Tamils who cannot get up and stand for themselves who patronize a man who has no remorse. Mahinda Rajapaksa tried offensive means to subjugate the Tamils now he has hired a Public relations firm in London to defend his nation. Good wine needs no bush, Mr.Rajapaksa. If Mahinda Rajapaksa thinks that he is clean, then must allow him to be investigated by a body of people from the United Nations to prove his purity and cleanliness. But Tamils must keep up their pressure and progress. There must be constructive competition among the community for gold and gold medals. We must set very high standard for our kids in their own nature and nurture their nature. We must send our children and grand children to world renowned universities to become exemplary citizens; they must rise up professionally and politically occupying important position in world capitals and world governments.No Tamil should give into self pity, negative degradation, abusive people and arrogant non- descripts. No man born in a descent family will go to war, will abuse another citizen and will deny another man his birth rights to freedom. We Tamils are proud of our heritage, our families, our trans-generational characters and industrious nature. We Tamils do not mean any harm to any one, yet a few called us terrorists.The world knows who are the real terrorists, though the media may try to portrait a freedom seeking people as terrorists. Only a man who is lazy to work will seek livelihood by devious means. World knows who the barbarians are, but majority of people are self minding harmless civic souls.But Tamil people must be hopeful and hard working because every second another child is born in a dysfunctional family like among the Singhalese with the help of several Mahindas and Mervyns. I may be wrong but the world cannot be wrong, Singhalese are looked upon as Barbarians. I cannot change it; it is for the Singhalese people to reclaim their heritage through decent deeds. But if they keep promoting Thutta Gemunus centuries after centuries there is nothing we Tamils and the world can do about it.
In the mean time, Tamils must come together as one community, promote harmony and provide positive competition to foster the community to world class standards.And as I always say,” WORK HARD, STAY TOGETHER, NEVER EVER GIVE UP AND STAY FAR AWAY FROM BARBARIC PEOPLE”Subramaniam Masilamany, a world-class Tamil powered by convictions, commitments and conscience
The biggest challenge to a wise is to find a medium to communicate with an ignorant’
Subramaniam Masilamany
If the Tamil community is surging well in the international forum it is because of its inherent cultural features. May be Sri Lanka is too small a domain to accommodate such a vibrant and sometime positively virulent community based in and grounded on natural lawsWhat happened in Sri Lanka in 2009 was sad in some ways and good in very many ways. How did this community re-establish world wide by itself, while Sri Lanka is catering to Middle East maid service and room service to visiting tourists. I have no sympathy for Singhalese for they cannot catch the wave and surge with it. Tamils responded well, they did not react. Last two weeks I was in Europe to feel the pulse of the modern Tamil community. It is very heart warming. The Singhalese denied us the basic necessity of any civil society, which is education; we came out of the country and are surging beyond belief. There is no substitute for truth, honesty and determination. Barbarism and bribery are no substitutes. I met several young professionals and there was one particular Tamil who caught my attention. His name is English, he looks Caucasian, he is a surgeon in one of the famous hospitals in London, he is married to another English surgeon and he told me why are the Tamils giving up their cultural heritage and the cultural linkage? A very profound statement. There were a few Caucasian girls dressed in our traditional saree. There must be something magic and mystic in this culture. I am not only lucky but proud to be a Tamil. These young professionals serve as an inspiration to rest of the Tamils who did not get the opportunity to learn English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Most of the first generation is working two to three jobs but the children are in the universities doing extremely well. This must serve as a lesson to Singhalese that you cannot bring down a man but you can climb up to his stature. All they did was to bring them down. For sixty years you tried to subjugate us in very many ways but now you have changed your tune due to international pressure. We will keep up the pressure. Unfortunately you cannot export barbarism worldwide to intimidate Tamils.Thutta (Bad behaviour) Gemunu was the cause of your decline for the last 2500 years, though there were eminent Singhalese kings who did civic improvements all you people remembered was Thutta (Bad behaviour) Gemunu! Now who have you made your national hero? Mahinda Rajapaksa, go back into his early boy hood and find out about him. So there you are next 2500 years of decline. Why is that the Singhalese have proved them to be barbaric? What is the world wide view of Singhalese? Uncivilized barbaric people. Who revived the old barbaric behaviour of Thutta Gemunu? Mahinda Rajapaksa. Don’t tell the world Mahinda Rajapaksa is clean decent moral man. If Jinadasa alias Yakkadaya the serial killer and Mervyn Silva the man behind several crimes are Mahinda's idols what will Mahinda become? This paragraph was meant to my Tamil friends who stand with their faces at the feet of Mahinda Rajapaksa for bread crumbs.These are the people who cannot make it in the western world. As we say in Canada, “You cannot simply fail in Canada”. But still there are few Tamils who cannot get up and stand for themselves who patronize a man who has no remorse. Mahinda Rajapaksa tried offensive means to subjugate the Tamils now he has hired a Public relations firm in London to defend his nation. Good wine needs no bush, Mr.Rajapaksa. If Mahinda Rajapaksa thinks that he is clean, then must allow him to be investigated by a body of people from the United Nations to prove his purity and cleanliness. But Tamils must keep up their pressure and progress. There must be constructive competition among the community for gold and gold medals. We must set very high standard for our kids in their own nature and nurture their nature. We must send our children and grand children to world renowned universities to become exemplary citizens; they must rise up professionally and politically occupying important position in world capitals and world governments.No Tamil should give into self pity, negative degradation, abusive people and arrogant non- descripts. No man born in a descent family will go to war, will abuse another citizen and will deny another man his birth rights to freedom. We Tamils are proud of our heritage, our families, our trans-generational characters and industrious nature. We Tamils do not mean any harm to any one, yet a few called us terrorists.The world knows who are the real terrorists, though the media may try to portrait a freedom seeking people as terrorists. Only a man who is lazy to work will seek livelihood by devious means. World knows who the barbarians are, but majority of people are self minding harmless civic souls.But Tamil people must be hopeful and hard working because every second another child is born in a dysfunctional family like among the Singhalese with the help of several Mahindas and Mervyns. I may be wrong but the world cannot be wrong, Singhalese are looked upon as Barbarians. I cannot change it; it is for the Singhalese people to reclaim their heritage through decent deeds. But if they keep promoting Thutta Gemunus centuries after centuries there is nothing we Tamils and the world can do about it.
In the mean time, Tamils must come together as one community, promote harmony and provide positive competition to foster the community to world class standards.And as I always say,” WORK HARD, STAY TOGETHER, NEVER EVER GIVE UP AND STAY FAR AWAY FROM BARBARIC PEOPLE”Subramaniam Masilamany, a world-class Tamil powered by convictions, commitments and conscience
Monday, October 11, 2010
We kindly request all other organisations to recognize TNA and TGTE as our supreme will of the people.!!! Moderator to Massey
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Tamil National Alliance and Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam“Two pillars of Tamil Renaissance”
To destroy a community take away their ability to think,To take away their thinking take away their educationTo take away their education take way their scripts and literatureTo take away their literature take away their schools and libraries. Tamil National Alliance and Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam are the only two ELECTED bodies of the Tamil people. One for the Global Tamils and one for the Tamils in our motherland. Any one who disputes these two legally elected bodies must prove to the Tamil people that they have the mandate from the Tamil people to make any claims. We are saddened by the position of a few people who do not want to believe in democracy, I do not think Tamils as community of people will ever approve autocratic or monocratic form of governance; Tamils are basically like the Europeans and Americans who love their freedom. Creativity, some people call it capitalism, is not possible without freedom. The Tamil National Alliance in our motherland must undergo transformation and a paradigm shift from one of entirely political in nature waiting for the Singhalese to grant your freedom that will never happen to one of self managed institution. The thinking process and mindset must change and instead of looking at Colombo for your solution take advice from the wealth of experience of Diaspora for economic and financial freedom of Tamils. Remember the time tested maxim, “Man who control men will only controls men, but the one who controls the money controls them all” Think about it for moment, it is the money as a common denominator and store of value and power is the ultimate determinant of the rise and fall of the empires and the fate and fortune of people. Tamils shall rise again. No person, no family, no community and no government are viable without money and people are the source of that money. In the case of Tamils in our motherland Diaspora can provide the TNA with funds for investment but not for consumption. As it is TNA and every one else is demanding consumption money, when I suggested to set up an institution to lend money, which is to be repaid, they all went silent. I think we are encouraging the creation of another Palestine in Asia. I want Tamils to be careful how their money is invested or wasted. All Diaspora money must be channel through a financial institution that can lend the money to be repaid. The success of rich countries is due to their money management and their stringent control over loans. We have to educate our politicians. We will educate both TGTE and TNA. The success of Canada is not its natural wealth but its tough financial regulations. The TNA must for all funds received, issue TNA designated bonds as the security for the money. People who borrow money from TNA must repay. Diaspora do not spoil the people, do not spoil the politicians. That is why I said we need a paradigm shift and a new paradigm for Tamils. TNA must become responsible and response-able institution An advice from America to TNA, there is no political freedom without financial freedom. As we say “If the vault is full of gold even the saint will get the idea” Therefore lets us all get together and become economically, technologically and financially like Japan, Korea or Germany. And you will see how the hatred turns into happiness and how fast some people change their alliance.Man thinks with his stomach not with his brain. As Napoleon said, “An army travel on its stomach”. War, pestilence and famine are bad but the worst is famine. We also kindly request all other organisation to recognize TNA and TGTE as our supreme will of the people, the elected members are different, they can be removed. Do not confuse TGTE with its elected members. One suggestion is other organisations can form the constructive opposition. And a small advice to those who create turbulence in unlawful manner, please beware that you are under the laws of the resident nations and we request that you obey the law of the resident nation and United Nations. If you are living in Canada, please refer to the Criminal code 430, which deal extensively with Mischief. I am sure the same law with some variation is applicable in very many countries. As I always say, Work Hard, Stay together and Never ever give up”
And as you all know me, I am Subramaniam Masilamany, a world class Tamil
powered by convictions, commitments and conscience.
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Tamil National Alliance and Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam“Two pillars of Tamil Renaissance”
To destroy a community take away their ability to think,To take away their thinking take away their educationTo take away their education take way their scripts and literatureTo take away their literature take away their schools and libraries. Tamil National Alliance and Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam are the only two ELECTED bodies of the Tamil people. One for the Global Tamils and one for the Tamils in our motherland. Any one who disputes these two legally elected bodies must prove to the Tamil people that they have the mandate from the Tamil people to make any claims. We are saddened by the position of a few people who do not want to believe in democracy, I do not think Tamils as community of people will ever approve autocratic or monocratic form of governance; Tamils are basically like the Europeans and Americans who love their freedom. Creativity, some people call it capitalism, is not possible without freedom. The Tamil National Alliance in our motherland must undergo transformation and a paradigm shift from one of entirely political in nature waiting for the Singhalese to grant your freedom that will never happen to one of self managed institution. The thinking process and mindset must change and instead of looking at Colombo for your solution take advice from the wealth of experience of Diaspora for economic and financial freedom of Tamils. Remember the time tested maxim, “Man who control men will only controls men, but the one who controls the money controls them all” Think about it for moment, it is the money as a common denominator and store of value and power is the ultimate determinant of the rise and fall of the empires and the fate and fortune of people. Tamils shall rise again. No person, no family, no community and no government are viable without money and people are the source of that money. In the case of Tamils in our motherland Diaspora can provide the TNA with funds for investment but not for consumption. As it is TNA and every one else is demanding consumption money, when I suggested to set up an institution to lend money, which is to be repaid, they all went silent. I think we are encouraging the creation of another Palestine in Asia. I want Tamils to be careful how their money is invested or wasted. All Diaspora money must be channel through a financial institution that can lend the money to be repaid. The success of rich countries is due to their money management and their stringent control over loans. We have to educate our politicians. We will educate both TGTE and TNA. The success of Canada is not its natural wealth but its tough financial regulations. The TNA must for all funds received, issue TNA designated bonds as the security for the money. People who borrow money from TNA must repay. Diaspora do not spoil the people, do not spoil the politicians. That is why I said we need a paradigm shift and a new paradigm for Tamils. TNA must become responsible and response-able institution An advice from America to TNA, there is no political freedom without financial freedom. As we say “If the vault is full of gold even the saint will get the idea” Therefore lets us all get together and become economically, technologically and financially like Japan, Korea or Germany. And you will see how the hatred turns into happiness and how fast some people change their alliance.Man thinks with his stomach not with his brain. As Napoleon said, “An army travel on its stomach”. War, pestilence and famine are bad but the worst is famine. We also kindly request all other organisation to recognize TNA and TGTE as our supreme will of the people, the elected members are different, they can be removed. Do not confuse TGTE with its elected members. One suggestion is other organisations can form the constructive opposition. And a small advice to those who create turbulence in unlawful manner, please beware that you are under the laws of the resident nations and we request that you obey the law of the resident nation and United Nations. If you are living in Canada, please refer to the Criminal code 430, which deal extensively with Mischief. I am sure the same law with some variation is applicable in very many countries. As I always say, Work Hard, Stay together and Never ever give up”
And as you all know me, I am Subramaniam Masilamany, a world class Tamil
powered by convictions, commitments and conscience.
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